Dependency Packages
USDAQuickStats.jl1Package to access USDA's NASS Quick Stats
Tibber.jl1A Julia interface to the Tibber API
StaticTrafficAssignment.jl1Package for static road traffic assignment.
TheMovieDB.jl1Julia wrappers for TheMovieDB API v3
VirtualPlantLab.jl1The Virtual Plant Laboratory
VisionHeatmaps.jl1Heatmaps for vision models in Julia.
VisualSearchACTR.jl1Pre-attentive attentive vision
TelemetryAnalysis.jl1A satellite telemetry analysis API for the Julia language.
TaskBasedProduction.jl1Julia implementation of the task-based production function from the paper Supply, Demand, Institutions, and Firms by Daniel Haanwinckel
VortexFilaments.jl1A type and accompanying methods for vortex filaments in Julia.
Tabulae.jl1A julia package implementing the Tabulae system for building Latin morphological parsers.
Taarruz.jl1Adversarial Attack Tool for Knet
SynapseElife.jl1Model associated to Elife paper Rodrigues et al. 2023
WebToys.jl1Fun toys built on top of JuliaGizmos projects!
Superfacility.jl1Julia Client for the NERSC Superfacilty API
WikiText.jl1Julia interface to the WikiText dataset.
SunCalc.jl1Calculate sun position, sunlight phases, moon position, and lunar phase.
Subspaces.jl1Vector subspaces in Julia
WorldTimeAPI.jl1Fetching date and time from WorldTimeAPI
StochasticIntegrals.jl1This generates covariance matrices and cholesky decompositions for a set of stochastic integrals.
StippleDownloads.jl1Donwload dynamically generated files with Stipple apps
TreeViewWidget.jl1A minimal TreeView widget
TaijaParallel.jl0Adds support for parallelization for Taija packages.
Tardigrade.jl0Moose inspired finite elements in julia
TPLib.jl0Julia wrapper for the Tropical Polyhedra Library
VLOptionsModeling.jl0Package for modeling options contracts
VLModelParametersDB.jl0A Julia wrapper around a SQLite database that holds model parameters
TraceEstimators.jl0Trace estimation methods for matrix functions.
VLConstraintBasedModelGenerationUtilities.jl0A package holding constraint based model generation utility type functions and types
TradeStationAPI.jl0A Julia client library for the TradeStation API
SunAsAStar.jl0Routines to compute extra information needed for Sun-as-a-star observations
TaylorInversion.jl0A Julia package for inverting Taylor series
TCXReader.jl0A parser for TCX files
TumorGrowth.jl0Simple predictive models for tumor growth, and tools to apply them to clinical data
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