Dependency Packages
PlantGeomTurtle.jl0Generate geometry meshes from graphs using turtle algorithms
PlantGeomPrimitives.jl0Meshes and functions to generate geometry primitives
BplusApp.jl0The graphics/input modules for my Julia game framework, "B+"
BplusTools.jl0Extra add-on systems for the Julia game framework B+
PiecewisePolynomials.jl0Implementation of piecewise polynomials on a segment
ArviZExampleData.jl0Example data loading for ArviZ.jl
Pastebin.jl0Pastebin.jl - A Wrapper around the Pastebin REST API
ParameterEstimateScatterPlots.jl0Basic scatter plots with overlayed linear fit and ideal trend lines for visualizing estimator performance
OscarDevTools.jl0Tools for developing Oscar and for continuous integration
Orthography.jl0Work with rigorously defined scholarly editions of digital texts adhering to a specified orthography.
ChebParticleMesh.jl0Using Chebyshev polynomials to interpolate/gather particles onto mesh grids.
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
CitableAnnotations.jl0Express relations among citable resources using URN notation.
CitableCorpus.jl0Work with texts modelled as passages, documents and corpora canonically citable by CTS URN..
CitableLibrary.jl0Work with diverse collections of material citable by URN.
CiteDown.jl0Use URNs in markdown links.
NonsmoothOptim.jl0Generic algorithms for nonsmooth optimisation
NonogramSolver.jl0Formulates and solves nonogram puzzles (a.k.a. Picross and paint-by-number) in Julia. Uses a new integer linear programming formulation, and solves it with JuMP.
NonconvexNOMAD.jl0Wrapper of NOMAD.jl using the Nonconvex.jl API.
CocktailDB.jl0CocktailDB API client for Julia.
NonconvexNLopt.jl0NLopt wrapper in Nonconvex.jl.
Colocalization.jl0Colocalization metrics and distances for images or their sparse representations.
NonconvexMultistart.jl0Multi-start optimization in Nonconvex.jl
NonconvexJuniper.jl0Juniper wrapper in Nonconvex.jl
NonconvexBayesian.jl0Constrained Bayesian optimization implementation in Nonconvex.jl
CoNCMOR.jl0Library for constructing transformation matrices for Coherent Node Cluster model-order reduction for use with FinEtools.jl
NeXLParticle.jl0SEM/EDS particle analysis tools
ConsensusBasedXPlots.jl0A plotting package for ConsensusBasedX.jl
MovingBoundaryProblems1D.jl0Implementation of the finite volume method for moving boundary problems in 1D.
ModiaPlot_WGLMakie.jl0Convenient line plots of ModiaResults with WGLMakie
ModiaPlot_CairoMakie.jl0Convenient line plots of ModiaResults with CairoMakie
MKLOneClassSVM.jl0A Julia package for multiple kernel learning based one-class support vector machine.
DanceDocker.jl0Docker plugin for DanceJL
DateShifting.jl0Reduce re-identification risk while preserving temporal relationships in health data sets
MEDYANSimRunner.jl0Manage long running MEDYAN.jl simulations
MDEStudy.jl0A package which calculate abnormal returns in market data sets.
MatterEnv.jl0Atomic environment package
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