Dependency Packages
Mango.jl6Modular Julia-based agent framework to implement multi-agent systems
FLoops.jl6Forked Successor to
FewBodyPhysics.jl6Quantum mechanical few body systems in Julia
HarmonicPowerModels.jl6An extension package of PowerModels.jl for Harmonic (Optimal) Power Network
FFmpegPipe.jl6Save videos from Julia
SquidGame.jl6Strategy simulation for simple games.
DistributedRelaxationTimes.jl6A julia package to compute the Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) of a given set of impedance measurements.
UnitfulAssets.jl6A supplemental units package for Unitful.jl to handle assets.
ProxAL.jl6Proximal Augmented Lagrangian solver for solving multiperiod contingency-constrained ACOPF
DistributionMeasures.jl6Conversions between Distributions.jl distributions and MeasureTheory.jl measures.
DLPipelines.jl6Interfaces for deep learning data pipelines.
VoronoiGraph.jl6Voronoi diagrams in N dimensions using an improved raycasting method.
FunctionZeros.jl6Zeros of Bessel J and Y functions
AutocorrelationShell.jl6Julia implementation of Autocorrelation Wavelets.
DrawSimpleGraphs.jl6Drawing functions for `SimpleGraphs`
HclinicBifurcationKit.jl5Computation of homoclinic (heteroclinic) orbits.
ActiveInference.jl5Julia Package for Active Inference
AreaInterpolation.jl5Interpolation between areas (polygons) in Julia
AstroIO.jl5I/O interface for astrophysical simulation codes
AstroPlot.jl5Astrophysical plotting interfaces for Julia
AtomsBuilder.jl5Convenient building of atomic structures
AtomsView.jl5Visualising AtomsBase-compatible structures
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
AxisSets.jl5Consistent operations over a collection of KeyedArrays
BaseModelica.jl5Importers for the BaseModelica standard into the Julia ModelingToolkit ecosystem
Batsrus.jl5BATSRUS/SWMF Data Processor
Baytes.jl5Sampling library for Baytes modules
BLASBenchmarksCPU.jl5Benchmark BLAS Libraries
CameraModels.jl5Basic Camera Models including pinhole, radial distortion and more.
CDGRNs.jl5Official Implementation of Context-Dependent Gene Regulatory Networks (CDGRNs)
CellBase.jl5Package providing base types for representing/manipulating periodic crystal structures.
CodingTheory.jl5Pure Julia implementation of tools used in Coding Theory
CompressedBeliefMDPs.jl5Compressed belief-state MDPs in Julia compatible with POMDPs.jl
ConstraintLearning.jl5A Julia package for people that love to learn new things about constraints
CoralBlox.jl5CoralBlox is a coral growth and mortality model that simulates distinct coral functional groups indirectly competing for a limited space over time. The model does not directly consider natural disturbances nor does it have representation of anthropogenic restoration and conservation activities such as coral seeding or cloud brightening.
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