Dependency Packages
UKBMain.jl1To work with a UKB main dataset
SMLMData.jl1Data types and utilities for SMLM coordinate data.
StanQuap.jl0Quadratic approximation of posterior distribution using StanOptimize
CitableAnnotations.jl0Express relations among citable resources using URN notation.
StanVariational.jl0WIP: Wrapper package for the variational method in Stan's cmdstan executable.
NarmViz.jl0Visualize time series numerical association rules
LatinSyntax.jl0A simple model of syntactic notation for Latin.
CBFV.jl0A simple composition-based feature vectorization utility in Julia
SteamWebAPIs.jl0Julia wrappers for Steam Web API
TumorGrowth.jl0Simple predictive models for tumor growth, and tools to apply them to clinical data
SunAsAStar.jl0Routines to compute extra information needed for Sun-as-a-star observations
BipartiteNull.jl0BipartiteNull. jl is a tool for building null model of bipartite network.
BioMASS.jl0Julia interface to BioMASS
MatrixMerge.jl0Using a population of profiles to approximate the real motifs
BiochemicalVisualization.jl0Graphical interface for BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl
MambaModels.jl0DEPRECATED. Mamba versions of StatisticalRethinking models.
BiblicalHebrew.jl0Hebrew orthography in Julia
BHAtp.jl0FEM approach to estimate Bottom Hole Assembly building and dropping rates (aka "theoretical performance" under the "relaxed state" assumption).
TCXReader.jl0A parser for TCX files
PooksoftOptionsKit.jl0Julia package with methods for computing options pricing, profit and loss
HmtDashUtils.jl0Utilities creating Dash.jl widgets working with Homermultitext project content
HarmonicPowerFlow.jl0A simple and fast module to solve the harmonic power flow problem for given distribution grids.
GreekScientificOrthography.jl0Implementation of an orthographic system for ancient Greek mathematical and scientific texts
Graphene.jl0A Julia package for graphene analysis
GlobalSearchRegressionGUI.jl0Global Search Regression GUI
Planets.jl0Functions related to planet formation or planet structure models.
GeneticScreens.jl0Pre- and post-processing for the analysis of high-throughput genetic screens using matrix linear models.
FirstPassageTools.jl0Tools for working with first-passage time distributions for continuous-time, discrete-state Markov processes
ExSup.jl0Experiment Support for Julia
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