Dependency Packages
TumorGrowth.jl0Simple predictive models for tumor growth, and tools to apply them to clinical data
ParticleHolography.jl0ParticleHolography.jl: Holographic particle measurement in Julia.
LifeInsuranceContracts.jl0Businees functions for life insurance contract and product management
ConstrainedDynamicsVis.jl0Visualization for the ConstrainedDynamics.jl package.
LinearElasticityBase.jl0Implements the basic functionalities of LinearElasticity.jl
NeXLParticle.jl0SEM/EDS particle analysis tools
ParallelAnalysis.jl0Heuristic methods for assessing approximate unidimensionality of data matrix.
LineIntegralConvolution.jl0Line Integral Convolution (LIC) visualization tool for 2D vector fields
LiquidElectrolytes.jl0Generalized Nernst-Planck-Poisson model for liquid electrolytes
ClosedFormExpectations.jl0Julia package that provides closed-form expressions for computing the expectation of a function
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
Colocalization.jl0Colocalization metrics and distances for images or their sparse representations.
Ditherings.jl0Dithering Algorithms for Julia
VisualGeometryOptimization.jl0Optimization of geometric and photometric models for visual geometry tasks
VirtualAgeModels.jl0Virtual Age Models for Julia
MPISphericalHarmonics.jl0Julia package for handling measured data for spherical t-designs.
Markets.jl0Solve a Partial Equilibrium Model for a given economic sector of arbitrary p products and r regions
ObjConsNLPModels.jl0NLPModel for evaluating the objective and constraint in one step.
NumericalAnalysis.jl0This is Numerical Analysis Julia package
NSDEBase.jl0A Julia package containing common types and utility functions shared by NSDE.jl and its subpackages.
NormalMaps.jl0Pakcage for generating normal maps from images using Julia.
NonsmoothOptim.jl0Generic algorithms for nonsmooth optimisation
NonogramSolver.jl0Formulates and solves nonogram puzzles (a.k.a. Picross and paint-by-number) in Julia. Uses a new integer linear programming formulation, and solves it with JuMP.
DeepUnfoldedCDLMotif.jl0Unfolded convolutional learning for motif discovery
ESAInterpolationFiles.jl0ESA Intepolation Files made easy.
NonconvexSearch.jl0Multi-trajectory and local search methods in Nonconvex.jl
BATTestCases.jl0Test cases for BAT.jl and for Bayesian Julia software in general
AbstractCosmologicalEmulators.jl0Repository containing the abstract interface to the emulators used in the CosmologicalEmulators organization
StanVariational.jl0WIP: Wrapper package for the variational method in Stan's cmdstan executable.
StanQuap.jl0Quadratic approximation of posterior distribution using StanOptimize
BDisposal.jl0Non parametric productivity analysis under the B-disposal assumption
SpectralResampling.jl0Resample fluxes and errors onto a new, arbitrary wavelength grid while conserving the total flux.
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