Dependency Packages
NPCFs.jl15N-Point Correlation Functions in Julia
DJUICE.jl15Differentiable JUlia ICE model
ControlSystemsMTK.jl15Interface between ControlSystems and ModelingToolkit
BondGraphs.jl14Julia implementation of the bond graph framework
OptimizationBase.jl14The base package for Optimization.jl, containing the structs and basic functions for it.
BasisFunctions.jl13A collection of methods for manipulating various well-known types of basis functions and recombining them into more general dictionaries
AutoEncoderToolkit.jl13Julia package with several functions to train and analyze Autoencoder-based neural networks
VIDA.jl13EHT Image domain analysis through template matching.
ExactODEReduction.jl13Exact reduction of ODE models via linear transformations
ChargeTransport.jl13Drift diffusion simulator for semiconductor devices
SymbolicAnalysis.jl13Symbolics-based function property propagation for optimization
PDEBase.jl12Common types and interface for discretizers of ModelingToolkit PDESystems.
ApproxFunBase.jl12Core functionality of ApproxFun
ExponentialFamily.jl12ExponentialFamily.jl is a Julia package that extends the functionality of Distributions.jl by providing a collection of exponential family distributions and customized implementations.
PyramidScheme.jl12Building and using pyramids for large raster data
QuasiArrays.jl12A package for representing quasi-arrays
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
KitML.jl11Lightweight module of neural differential equations in Kinetic.jl
NumericalMethodsforEngineers.jl11Programs modeled after "Numerical Methods for Engineers" by D.V. Griffiths and I.M. Smith
ActionModels.jl11A Julia package for behavioural modeling
DynamicOED.jl10Optimal experimental design of ODE and DAE systems in julia
DifferentiableMetabolism.jl10Differentiable constraint-based metabolic models
KiteModels.jl10Kite and tether models for the simulation of kite power systems
EFTfitter.jl10A tool for the combination and EFT interpretation of measurements in Julia
OscillatoryIntegrals.jl10Calculate oscillatory integrals using Julia
Bezier.jl10A minimal implementation of bezier curves in julia
Poltergeist.jl10Julia package for transfer operator spectral methods
PartiallySeparableNLPModels.jl9A three-way bridge between ExpressionTreeForge.jl, PartitionedStructures.jl and PartiallySeparableSolvers.jl
ExponentialFamilyProjection.jl9A library to project an arbitrary function to an exponential family member distribution with the manifold optimization
QuantumStateBase.jl9Quantum states for quantum optics.
NumCME.jl8Direct solution of the Chemical Master Equation in Julia.
RigorousInvariantMeasures.jl8Package for the Rigorous Computation of Invariant Measures
QuantumStatePlots.jl8Plot Wigner function and density matrix generated by QuantumStateBase.jl
ShipMMG.jl8Ship maneuvering simulation tool with respect to ShipMMG model
GeometricIntegratorsDiffEq.jl8Wrappers for GeometricIntegrators.jl into the SciML common interface for scientific machine learning (SciML)
PartiallySeparableSolvers.jl8Trust-region methods with partitioned quasi-Newton approximations
ApproxFunFourier.jl7Support for Fourier-based spaces in ApproxFun
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