Dependency Packages
NamSor.jl0Julia wrappers for NamSor v2 API
PICDataStructures.jl0Data structures for Particle-in-Cell codes
BitemporalReactive.jl0A prototype of a reactive Webapp for bitemporal data management of insurance contracts.
BioMASS.jl0Julia interface to BioMASS
AsymptoticNumericalMethod.jl0Implementation of Asymptotic Numerical Method
AstroForceModels.jl0Force Models for Astrodynamics Trajectory Modelling
MTKHelpers.jl0Helper functions with ModelingToolkit
PhysicalFDM.jl0Finite Differencing Method in Julia language
PhysicalFFT.jl0FFT solvers in Julia language
AstrodynamicalSolvers.jl0Common solvers within orbital mechanics and astrodynamics.
MPISphericalHarmonics.jl0Julia package for handling measured data for spherical t-designs.
SurfaceCoverage.jl0A package for the calculation of steady state coverages for a given gas composition, T and p
SurfaceReactions.jl0This package is a part of RSim, however, may also be used as an independent package for the calculation of source terms from an xml mechanism input file
LifeInsuranceContracts.jl0Businees functions for life insurance contract and product management
KaitaiStruct.jl0Kaitai Struct: runtime for Julia
EnvironmentalTransport.jl0Algorithms for the transport of mass and energy in the environment
CloudSegyIO.jl0SegyIO overlay for writing to Cloud buckets
MovingBoundaryProblems1D.jl0Implementation of the finite volume method for moving boundary problems in 1D.
SelfConcordantSmoothOptimization.jl0Self-concordant Smoothing for Large-Scale Convex Composite Optimization
ParticleHolography.jl0ParticleHolography.jl: Holographic particle measurement in Julia.
TruncatedMVN.jl0Reimplementation of a truncated multivariate distribution with fast, exact minimax-tilting based sampling.
ControllerFormats.jl0Controller formats in Julia
MatrixMerge.jl0Using a population of profiles to approximate the real motifs
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
TumorGrowth.jl0Simple predictive models for tumor growth, and tools to apply them to clinical data
BenchmarkEnvironments.jl0Standard environments for benchmarking the performance of RL algorithms.
JefimenkoModels.jl0Time-domain solver for the electromagnetic fields produced by arbitrary (electric and magnetic) charges and currents.
CryptoMarketData.jl0A library for saving and loading OHLCV candle data from cryptocurrency exchanges
ObjConsNLPModels.jl0NLPModel for evaluating the objective and constraint in one step.
CloudEvents.jl0Julia SDK for
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