Dependency Packages
MaterialReconstruction.jl1Reconstruction of binary arrays using correlation functions and simulated annealing
MnemonicDiscriminationIndex.jl1Package for our new index of mnemonic discrimination
RoentgenPlots.jl1Plotting Radiotherapy Beam-Limiting Devices using Plots.jl
NonconvexMMA.jl1Method of moving asymptotes implementation for Nonconvex.jl
RomeoDFT.jl1Romeo Occupation Matrix Energy Optimizer for DFT
TopOptMakie.jl1Makie visualization module for TopOpt.jl
ReactionNetworkEvolution.jl1This package simplifies evolutionary algorithms for applications in systems biology. It can be used to generate oscillating reaction networks, networks that match input timeseries data, or fit parameters (rateconstants).
RvLineList.jl1Package for generating masks and line lists for use in stellar radial velocity measurements
GeoStatsPlots.jl1Plots.jl recipes for the GeoStats.jl framework
PooksoftAssetModelingKit.jl1Julia package for different types of asset return or price models
GMMParameterEstimation.jl1Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation
MembraneAnalysis.jl1A package for analyzing molecular dynamics simulations of lipid membranes
GRAPELinesearchAnalysis.jl1Analyze and debug LBFGS linesearch behavior inside GRAPE
EquationOfStateRecipes.jl1Plotting recipes for equations of state
Aerosol.jl1Models of aerosol chemistry and physics using ModelingToolkit.jl
MetidaCu.jl1CUDA solver for Metida.jl
ApproxMasterEqs.jl1This Julia package performs the numerical integration of two Approximated Master Equations on networks: the Cavity Master Equation and the Conditional Dynamic Approximation
FEMMaterials.jl1JuliaFEM bindings to Materials.jl
EpithelialDynamics1D.jl1Simulations of epithelial dynamics in 1D.
GuidedProposals.jl1Implementation of Guided Proposals (introduced by M Schauer, F van der Meulen, H van Zanten)
HardwareAbstractions.jl1The gap between theory and practice is in practice greater than in theory.
Iris.jl1FDFD code for scattering and spectral analysis of complex media
Equate.jl1Equating Functions
QuadratureOnImplicitRegions.jl1An implementation of the ALGOIM quadrature method on implicitly defined regions.
AutomationLabsExportation.jl1Advanced exports management for AutomationLabs.jl
PathWeightSampling.jl1Julia implementation of Path Weight Sampling (PWS) to compute information transmission rates
MonotoneDecomposition.jl1Julia package for the paper "Decomposition with Monotone B-splines: Fitting and Testing"
MLJGaussianProcesses.jl1Gaussian Processes for MLJ
GittinsIndices.jl0A julia package to compute Gittins Indices for Multi Armed Bandits
GModelFitViewer.jl0GModelFitViewer - web viewer for the GModelFit produced results
FittedItemBanks.jl0This module provides abstract and concrete fitted item banks, e.g. from fitting an IRT model
QuantumESPRESSOExpress.jl0A plugin of Express.jl for handling the ab initio software Quantum ESPRESSO
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