Dependency Packages
SimulationBasedInference.jl15A flexible toolkit for simulation based inference in Julia
CalibrationErrors.jl15Estimation of calibration errors.
DJUICE.jl15Differentiable JUlia ICE model
Adversarial.jl15Adversarial attacks for Neural Networks written with FluxML
Atomistic.jl15Package that provides a integrated Julia workflow for molecular dyanmics simulations.
DelaySSAToolkit.jl15DelaySSAToolkit.jl: a tool in Julia for stochastic simulation with delays
ITensorMPS.jl15MPS and MPO methods based on ITensor (ITensors.jl)
SossMLJ.jl15SossMLJ makes it easy to build MLJ machines from user-defined models from the Soss probabilistic programming language
AbstractPDEInterfaces.jl14Ecosystem for writing partial differential equation solvers
CalculustCore.jl14Ecosystem for writing partial differential equation solvers
ReducedBasis.jl14Reduced basis methods for parametrised eigenproblems
BondGraphs.jl14Julia implementation of the bond graph framework
RestrictedBoltzmannMachines.jl14Train and sample Restricted Boltzmann machines in Julia
Hopfields.jl14Modern Hopfield layer implementations in Julia
Unitary.jl14A differentiable parametrization of a group of unitary matrices.
ModelWrappers.jl13ModelWrappers.jl is a utility package that makes it easier to work with Model parameters stated as (nested) NamedTuples.
POMDPStressTesting.jl13Adaptive stress testing of black-box systems within POMDPs.jl
BayesianQuadrature.jl13Is there anything we can't make Bayesian?
Fluxperimental.jl13Experimental features for Flux.jl
PhyNEST.jl13A Julia package for estimating phylogenetic networks from genomic data
ExactODEReduction.jl13Exact reduction of ODE models via linear transformations
AutoEncoderToolkit.jl13Julia package with several functions to train and analyze Autoencoder-based neural networks
OpenQuantumSystems.jl13Library for the numerical simulation of open quantum systems.
IPMeasures.jl13Implementation of Integral Probability Measures in Julia
MitosisStochasticDiffEq.jl12Backward-filtering forward-guiding with StochasticDiffEq.jl
ControlBarrierFunctions.jl12Control barrier functions (CBFs) in Julia.
FluxUtils.jl12Sklearn Interface and Distributed Training for Flux.jl
TenNetLib.jl12A Tensor Network Library (TenNetLib.jl) built on top of ITensors.jl for quantum many-body problems.
NeuralArithmetic.jl12Collection of layers that can perform arithmetic operations
JointSurvivalModels.jl12Julia implementation of joint models combining longitudinal and survival endpoints
PDEBase.jl12Common types and interface for discretizers of ModelingToolkit PDESystems.
AtomGraphs.jl12Graph-building for AtomicGraphNets
NumericalMethodsforEngineers.jl11Programs modeled after "Numerical Methods for Engineers" by D.V. Griffiths and I.M. Smith
GeneralizedSasakiNakamura.jl11Computing solutions to the frequency-domain radial Teukolsky equation with the Generalized Sasaki-Nakamura (GSN) formalism in julia
LWFBrook90.jl11Istope-enabled implementation of the LWF-BROOK90 hydrological model in Julia
SpiDy.jl11:spider: Non-Markovian stochastic SPIn (and harmonic oscillator) DYnamics.
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
ActionModels.jl11A Julia package for behavioural modeling
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