Dependency Packages
Transits.jl20Flexible photometric transit curves with limb darkening
TinyModia.jl20Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
PowerNetworkMatrices.jl20Methods to generate matrix representations of power systems matrices
ParameterEstimocean.jl20🎲 Parameter estimation for Oceananigans using EnsembleKalmanProcesses
GenieAuthentication.jl20Authentication plugin for Genie framework
ChemfilesViewer.jl20Julia library to visualize molecules and other chemical structures
SetProg.jl20Set Programming with JuMP
MetacommunityDynamics.jl20Population and community dynamics on spatial graphs, in julia. (formerly EcoDynamics.jl)
CellularPotts.jl20Link to Documentation
LocalProjections.jl20Local projection methods for impulse response estimation
VegaDatasets.jl20Julia package for loading the standard Vega data sets
Catch22.jl20Evaluate catch22 time-series features in Julia
CartesianGrids.jl20Tools for working with spatial fields discretized on or immersed in Cartesian grids
SignalOperators.jl20A handy set of operators for manipulating digital signals (e.g. Sounds)
RelativisticDynamics.jl19General Relativistic Orbital Dynamics in Julia
Mellan.jl19Spiral engraving effect
Cropbox.jl19🌾 declarative crop modeling framework
CovarianceFunctions.jl19Lazy, structured, and efficient operations with kernel matrices.
ParetoSmooth.jl19An implementation of PSIS algorithms in Julia.
ConScape.jl19Repository for the ConScape package for landscape ecology
FlightSims.jl19A general purpose numerical simulator supporting nested dynamical systems and a convenient macro-based data logger.
FiniteStateProjection.jl19Finite State Projection algorithms for chemical reaction networks
TensorInference.jl19Probabilistic inference using contraction of tensor networks
ColorSchemeTools.jl19Tools for working with color schemes, color maps, gradients
Fenrir.jl19Physics-Enhanced Regression for Initial Value Problems
PlanetaryEphemeris.jl19Solar System ephemeris Taylor integrator based on JPL DE430/431 dynamical model
PairwiseListMatrices.jl19Symmetric matrix as a list of the values in its upper or lower triangular part. Useful for representing pairwise measures or comparisons when the used metric or distance satisfies the symmetry condition and for adjacency matrices of undirected graphs.
SpikingNN.jl19An multi-platform spiking neural network simulator
EasyFFTs.jl19An opinionated layer on top of FFTW.jl to provide simpler FFTs for everyone.
BraketAHS.jl18Simulating Rydberg atom dynamics with Tensor Networks
MeshGraphNets.jl18MeshGraphNets.jl is a software package for the Julia programming language that provides an implementation of the MeshGraphNets framework by Google DeepMind for simulating mesh-based physical systems via graph neural networks.
AdmittanceModels.jl18Analysis of linear systems using admittance models
TidierDates.jl18Tidier date transformations in Julia, modeled after the lubridate R package.
StanSample.jl18WIP: Wrapper package for the sample method in Stan's cmdstan executable.
AlgebraicInference.jl18Bayesian inference on wiring diagrams.
FMIImport.jl18FMIImport.jl implements the import functionalities of the FMI-standard ( for the Julia programming language. FMIImport.jl provides the foundation for the Julia packages FMI.jl and FMIFlux.jl.
ProfileLikelihood.jl18Methods for profile likelihood analysis.
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