Dependency Packages
SciMLNLSolve.jl8Nonlinear solver bindings for the SciML Interface
SchwarzChristoffel.jl8Construct a mapping from the unit circle to a closed polygon.
InverseStatMech.jl8Efficient inverse statistical mechanical algorithms to generate effective potentials or configurations from pair correlation functions or structure factors.
NumCME.jl8Direct solution of the Chemical Master Equation in Julia.
InformationInequalities.jl8Information Theoretic Inequalities
InducingPoints.jl8Package for different inducing points selection methods
ImmersedLayers.jl8Tools for solving partial differential equations by immersing surfaces and their operations in Cartesian grids
NewickTree.jl8Newick formatted (phylogenetic) trees
NeXLCore.jl8Core algorithms and data for X-ray microanalysis calculations
MLJFlow.jl8Connecting MLJ and MLFlow
BMesh.jl8Background mesh and utilities for topology optimization
DCCA.jl8Julia module for Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis.
RigorousInvariantMeasures.jl8Package for the Rigorous Computation of Invariant Measures
GrowthMaps.jl8Generate population growth rate maps from spatial data
GridapTopOpt.jl8A computational toolbox for level set-based topology optimisation in Julia
GridapBifurcationKit.jl8Allow to use BifurcationKit.jl with Gridap.jl
PartiallySeparableSolvers.jl8Trust-region methods with partitioned quasi-Newton approximations
GeometricIntegratorsDiffEq.jl8Wrappers for GeometricIntegrators.jl into the SciML common interface for scientific machine learning (SciML)
ReinforcementLearningTrajectories.jl8A generalized experience replay buffer for reinforcement learning
BinomialSynapses.jl8High-performance Julia package for online learning of binomial synaptic release models
MIRTjim.jl8Jiffy image display for image reconstruction
RegNets.jl8Regulatory networks
Bigleaf.jl8Ecosystem properties based on a 'big-leaf' representation of the vegetation
FractionalSystems.jl8Fractional order systems toolbox in Julia.
FractalDimensions.jl8Estimating the fractal dimension of timeseries or multidimensional datasets
MGVI.jl8Metric Gaussian Variational Inference
BenchmarkFunctions.jl8A set of common benchmark functions for testing optimization algorithms in Julia
PredefinedDynamicalSystems.jl8Collection of predefined dynamical systems for DynamicalSystems.jl
Falcons.jl8Provide pointing calculations for satellites with multiple detectors.
ExtensibleScheduler.jl8An advanced and extensible Julia events scheduler.
ShipMMG.jl8Ship maneuvering simulation tool with respect to ShipMMG model
StochasticGene.jl8Julia module to fit and analyze stochastic gene transcription models
OpticalPropagation.jl8Optical propagation calculation
EntropicCone.jl8Entropic Cone approximation and optimization
EngThermBase.jl8Engineering Thermodynamics infrastructure in Julia
ElemCo.jl8Julia implementation of various electron-correlation methods (main focus on coupled cluster methods).
MPIMeasurements.jl8Julia package for performing MPI measurements
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