Dependency Packages
Gadfly.jl1900Crafty statistical graphics for Julia.
Javis.jl827Julia Animations and Visualizations
ProfileView.jl347Visualization of Julia profiling data
Modia.jl321Modeling and simulation of multidomain engineering systems
SnoopCompile.jl309Provide insights about latency (TTFX) for Julia packages
Metaheuristics.jl253High-performance metaheuristics for optimization coded purely in Julia.
Mamba.jl253Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for Bayesian analysis in julia
PGFPlots.jl187This library uses the LaTeX package pgfplots to produce plots.
Clarabel.jl173Clarabel.jl: Interior-point solver for convex conic optimisation problems in Julia.
InteractiveChaos.jl173Fast, general-purpose interactive applications for complex systems
GeoMakie.jl166Geographical plotting utilities for Makie.jl
TuringModels.jl163Implementations of the models from the Statistical Rethinking book with Turing.jl
PProf.jl155Export Julia profiles to the pprof format
RayTracer.jl150Differentiable RayTracing in Julia
StatProfilerHTML.jl138Show Julia profiling data in an explorable HTML page
PerceptualColourMaps.jl117Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps for Julia
ClimateTools.jl116Climate science package for Julia
ImageInTerminal.jl113Julia package for displaying images in the terminal using ANSI colors and Unicode characters
MRIsim.jl111Koma is a Pulseq-compatible framework to efficiently simulate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) acquisitions. The main focus of this package is to simulate general scenarios that could arise in pulse sequence development.
Mads.jl101MADS: Model Analysis & Decision Support
FundamentalsNumericalComputation.jl97Core functions for the Julia (2nd) edition of the text Fundamentals of Numerical Computation, by Driscoll and Braun.
KittyTerminalImages.jl93A package that allows Julia to display images in the kitty terminal editor
Immerse.jl88Dive deeper into your data with interactive graphics
Dynare.jl86A Julia rewrite of Dynare: solving, simulating and estimating DSGE models.
PPTX.jl85Generate PowerPoint PPTX files from Julia
ImageProjectiveGeometry.jl85Projective geometry for computer vision in Julia
AbstractPlotting.jl85An abstract interface for plotting libraries, part of the Makie ecosystem.
Modia3D.jl74Modeling and Simulation of 3D systems
ReactionMechanismSimulator.jl72The amazing Reaction Mechanism Simulator for simulating large chemical kinetic mechanisms
Tyler.jl71Makie package to plot maptiles from various map providers
Bplus.jl71A modern OpenGL 4.6 rendering framework, written in Julia.
Atom.jl71Julia Client for Atom
SixelTerm.jl69Inline graphics in the REPL using Sixel
QRCoders.jl68Creating QR Codes within Julia
DitherPunk.jl60Dithering algorithms in Julia.
GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl60Import, process and interpret geophysical data sets to be used in numerical models.
TiffImages.jl53💎 Pure-Julia TIFF I/O with a focus on correctness 🧐
ProfileSVG.jl52Write flame graphs to SVG format and explore them interactively in Jupyter, Pluto, etc.
CMBLensing.jl52The automatically differentiable and GPU-compatible toolkit for CMB analysis.
EasyML.jl51A foolproof way of doing ML with GUI elements.
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