Dependency Packages
Genie.jl2247🧞The highly productive Julia web framework
Revise.jl1189Automatically update function definitions in a running Julia session
JET.jl730An experimental code analyzer for Julia. No need for additional type annotations.
Debugger.jl468Julia debugger
Stipple.jl321The reactive UI library for interactive data applications with pure Julia.
Books.jl270Create books with Julia
TopOpt.jl181A package for binary and continuous, single and multi-material, truss and continuum, 2D and 3D topology optimization on unstructured meshes using automatic differentiation in Julia.
Rebugger.jl171An expression-level debugger for Julia with a provocative command-line (REPL) user interface
SeaPearl.jl168Julia hybrid constraint programming solver enhanced by a reinforcement learning driven search.
Olive.jl152Pure julia notebooks
Starlight.jl138A greedy game engine for greedy programmers!
FluxArchitectures.jl123Complex neural network examples for Flux.jl
MagNav.jl101MagNav: airborne Magnetic anomaly Navigation
MusicProcessing.jl87Music Processing Library in Julia
StippleUI.jl84StippleUI is a library of reactive UI elements for Stipple.jl.
Matte.jl72Julia-powered dashboards, inspired by Material Design
Atom.jl71Julia Client for Atom
ODINN.jl68Global glacier model using Universal Differential Equations for climate-glacier interactions
ClimateMARGO.jl67Julia implementation of MARGO, an idealized climate-economic modelling framework for Optimizing trade-offs between emissions Mitigation, Adaptation, carbon dioxide Removal, and solar Geoengineering.
Handcalcs.jl66Julia package for converting Julia calculations into rendered latex.
ADSeismic.jl62A General Approach to Seismic Inversion Problems using Automatic Differentiation
JETTest.jl60Advanced testing toolset for the Julia programming language
PlutoTeachingTools.jl59Functions useful when using Pluto in teaching.
TORA.jl51Trajectory Optimization for Robot Arms
MagneticReadHead.jl50A cassette-based debugger | The Other Debugger
FluxJS.jl42I heard you like compile times
DebugAdapter.jl40Julia implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
Sole.jl37Sole.jl – Long live transparent modeling!
Dolphyn.jl36DOLPHYN: Decision Optimization for Low Carbon Power and Hydrogen Nexus
PlutoLinks.jl34Simple reactive utilities
Portinari.jl29Interactive D3 plots within Pluto!
StippleCharts.jl29StippleCharts is a library of reactive charts for Stipple.jl.
StipplePlotly.jl22Plotly integration for Stipple.jl
UnsteadyFlowSolvers.jl22Solvers for problems involving unsteady fluid flow
GenieFramework.jl21Meta package for Genie reactive apps
SeaPearlZoo.jl21SeaPearl's pool of examples
GenieAuthentication.jl20Authentication plugin for Genie framework
RelativisticDynamics.jl19General Relativistic Orbital Dynamics in Julia
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