Dependency Packages
PowerModelsADA.jl30A package for solving optimal power flow problems using distributed algorithms.
QuantumSavory.jl30A full stack simulator of quantum hardware, from the low-level analog physics to high-level network dynamics. Includes discrete event simulator, symbolic representation for quantum object, and works with many backend simulators.
JuMPChance.jl30A JuMP extension for probabilistic (chance) constraints
PowerGraphics.jl30A package to generate visualizations from PowerSimulations.jl results. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
ConditionalJuMP.jl29Automatic transformation of implications and complementarity into mixed-integer models in Julia
CompressedSensing.jl29Contains a wide-ranging collection of compressed sensing and feature selection algorithms. Examples include matching pursuit algorithms, forward and backward stepwise regression, sparse Bayesian learning, and basis pursuit.
SankeyPlots.jl28A Sankey Diagram recipe for Plots.jl
GraphsFlows.jl27Flow algorithms on Graphs.jl
BlockDecomposition.jl27Extension of JuMP to model decomposable mathematical programs (using Benders or Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition paradigm)
DisjunctiveProgramming.jl27A JuMP extension for Generalized Disjunctive Programming
LaplacianOpt.jl25A Julia/JuMP Package for Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity of Undirected Weighted Graphs
ProjectManagement.jl25Project Management tools, with a particular focus on PERT charts
CapacityExpansion.jl24Capacity Expansion Problem Formulation for Julia
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
GasPowerModels.jl24Julia packages for joint optimization of natural gas and power transmission networks
QHull.jl24A Julia wrapper around a PyCall wrapper around the qhull Convex Hull library
OptControl.jl23A tool to solve optimal control problem
NaiveNASflux.jl23Your local Flux surgeon
GraphicalModelLearning.jl23Algorithms for Learning Graphical Models
StructDualDynProg.jl23Implementation of SDDP (Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming) using the StructJuMP modeling interface
PowerPlots.jl22Functions plot PowerModels networks
OperationsResearchModels.jl22A Julia package for operations research subjects
JSOSuite.jl22One stop solutions for all things optimization
PowerModelsAnnex.jl22A PowerModels.jl Extension Package for Exploratory Work
TulipaEnergyModel.jl22An energy system optimization model that is flexible, computationally efficient, and academically robust.
SwitchOnSafety.jl22Julia Package for computing [controlled] invariant sets of Hybrid Systems using Sum Of Squares Programming
PowerModelsRestoration.jl21A PowerModels Extension for Optimization of Power Network Restoration
SeaPearlZoo.jl21SeaPearl's pool of examples
GeneDrive.jl21A package designed for simulating biological dynamics and control.
LightGraphsExtras.jl21Additional functionality for LightGraphs.jl
SetProg.jl20Set Programming with JuMP
Knapsacks.jl20Julia package to solve Knapsack problems
BranchAndBound.jl20A Julia framework for implementing branch-and-bound-type algorithms
ProgressiveHedging.jl20Basic progressive hedging implementation in Julia
FlexPlan.jl19Open-source Julia tool for transmission and distribution expansion planning considering storage and demand flexibility
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