Dependency Packages
Devito.jl10Julia wrapper for Devito functionality. Part of the COFII framework.
CTDirect.jl9Direct transcription of an optimal control problem and resolution
LearningHorse.jl9LearningHorse.jl is the ML library for JuliaLang.
ScatterNNlib.jl9A scatter operation library for neural network
HorseML.jl9HorseML.jl is the ML library for JuliaLang.
JLBoostMLJ.jl9MLJ.jl interface for JLBoost.jl
PassiveTracerFlows.jl9Passive tracer dynamics pseudospectral solvers with Julia and FourierFlows.jl.
CuTropicalGEMM.jl9The fastest Tropical number matrix multiplication on GPU
ParametrisedConvexApproximators.jl9A Julia package for parameterized convex approximators including parameterized log-sum-exp (PLSE) network.
FastIsostasy.jl9Accelerated computation of glacial isostatic adjustment for laterally-variable solid-Earth
KitBase.jl9Lightweight module of physical formulations in Kinetic.jl
PartiallySeparableNLPModels.jl9A three-way bridge between ExpressionTreeForge.jl, PartitionedStructures.jl and PartiallySeparableSolvers.jl
SUNRepresentations.jl9A Julia package for computing SU(N) Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients.
MLJJLBoost.jl9MLJ.jl interface for JLBoost.jl
MLJFlow.jl8Connecting MLJ and MLFlow
Ananke.jl8GPU Based 3D Finite Volume Fluid code written in Julia
ElemCo.jl8Julia implementation of various electron-correlation methods (main focus on coupled cluster methods).
BinomialSynapses.jl8High-performance Julia package for online learning of binomial synaptic release models
PartiallySeparableSolvers.jl8Trust-region methods with partitioned quasi-Newton approximations
ShipMMG.jl8Ship maneuvering simulation tool with respect to ShipMMG model
ParallelNeighbors.jl8Massively-parallel exact nearest neighbor search in Julia.
RigorousInvariantMeasures.jl8Package for the Rigorous Computation of Invariant Measures
CorrelationFunctions.jl8Various correlation functions for 1,2, and 3 dimensional arrays
StatisticalMeasuresBase.jl8A Julia package for building production-ready measures (metrics) for statistics and machine learning
Stencils.jl8Static Stencil mapping for Julia
KnetNLPModels.jl8An NLPModels Interface to Knet
Tracking.jl8Modular tracking algorithm for various GNSS Systems
KinematicDriver.jl7Prescribed flow models for testing cloud microphysics schemes.
Kinematic1D.jl7Prescribed flow models for testing cloud microphysics schemes.
QuantumGraining.jl7A package for obtaining the effective time-averaged Lindbladian.
TensorNetworkCodes.jl7TensorNetworkCodes is a Julia library developed to support the following research:
LuxLib.jl7Backend for Lux.jl
OutlierDetectionNetworks.jl7Neural-Network Outlier Detection Algorithms for Julia
CEEDesigns.jl7A decision-making framework for the cost-efficient design of experiments, balancing the value of acquired experimental evidence and incurred costs.
NTFk.jl7Nonnegative Tensor Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
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