Dependency Packages
Enigma.jl17Enigma decode/encode and cracking
Empirikos.jl17Empirical Bayes estimation and inference in Julia.
NaiveNASlib.jl17Relentless mutation!!
ReactiveDynamics.jl17A Julia package that implements a category of reaction (transportation) network-type dynamical systems.
AIControl.jl17Implementation of the AIControl paper in Julia 1.0
LowRankIntegrators.jl17Package for approximation of solutions to matrix differential equations or time-dependent matrices via dynamically evolving low rank decomposition.
MusicVisualizations.jl17Providing music-related visualization built on top of the packages of JuliaMusic
MultivariateOrthogonalPolynomials.jl17Supports approximating functions and solving differential equations on various higher dimensional domains such as disks and triangles
Spot.jl17Julia wrapper for the Spot LTL and automata manipulation library
MzXML.jl17Load mass spectrometry mzXML files
Wasabi.jl17ORM for Julia
QuantumACES.jl17Design scalable noise characterisation experiments for quantum computers
LITS.jl17Low Inertia Transient Simulation Toolbox for Power Systems
SpinDoctor.jl17Diffusion MRI Simulation Toolbox in Julia
TurbulentWords.jl17Make turbulence with words
KiteSimulators.jl17Simulators for kite power systems
PoreMatMod.jl17A find-and-replace tool for crystal structure models. implements (i) subgraph matching and (ii) point set alignment to search a parent crystal for a query fragment, then align and install a replacement fragment in its place.
Gogeta.jl17Representing machine learning models using mathematical programming
BioMedQuery.jl17Julia utilities for interacting with biomedical databases and biomedical application programming interfaces (APIs)
ParametricMCPs.jl17Mixed complementarity problems parameterized by "runtime"-parameters with support for implicit differentiation.
BioformatsLoader.jl17A julia package to load images using bioformats
LikelihoodProfiler.jl17LikelihoodProfiler is a Julia package for practical identifiability analysis and confidence intervals evaluation.
CrossfilterCharts.jl17A Julia package for automagical DC.js linked charts in your IJulia notebook
Crispulator.jl17✂️ Pooled CRISPR screen optimization tool
JOLI.jl17Julia Operators LIbrary
PSIS.jl17Pareto smoothed importance sampling
AlgebraPDF.jl17Adding, multiplying density functions, fitting LLH
TrajectoryGamesBase.jl17Core interface to design, solve, and simulate trajectory games.
PAndQ.jl16A computer algebra system for propositional logic
AstrodynamicalModels.jl16Dynamical models used within astrodynamics and orbital mechanics!
SBMLImporter.jl16Import dynamic models in the SBML format into a ReactionSystem for Gillespie, SDE and ODE simulations
McCormick.jl16A forward McCormick operator library
CompactBases.jl16Julia library for function approximation with compact basis functions
MCHammer.jl16Monte Carlo Simulation and Business Analysis tools for Julia
RadiationSpectra.jl16Toolkit for analysis of radiation spectra in Julia
PkgToSoftwareBOM.jl16Produces a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) describing your Julia Pkg environment. SBOM is in the SPDX format
UnfoldMakie.jl16Plotting tools for Unfold.jl based on Makie.jl and AlgebraOfGraphics.jl
Fibers.jl16Julia package for reconstructing fiber trajectories from multi-scale, multi-modal imaging data
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