Dependency Packages
PlotMesh.jl1Simple mesh plot for JuliaFEM
DynamicsPlots.jl1This is a visualization package to render typical figures for dynamics.
SimSpread.jl1SimSpread is a novel approach for predicting interactions between two distinct set of nodes, query and target nodes, using a similarity measure vector between query nodes as a meta-description in combination with the network-based inference for link prediction.
NCRegressionTests.jl1A package for regression tests over NCDatasets.
NeighborhoodApproximationIndex.jl1Similarity search indexes based on neighborhood approximation
SimplePadics.jl1Nicely formatted p-adic numbers.
RoentgenPlots.jl1Plotting Radiotherapy Beam-Limiting Devices using Plots.jl
ClusterRunner.jl1Julia experiment management system. Heavily inspired by monajemi/clusterjob.
NetcdfIO.jl1Wrapper functions for NCDatasets.jl
SDFResults.jl1Read and analyze EPOCH simulation data
RepoSnapshots.jl1Take "snapshots" of the main branches of every repository in a GitHub organization
EHTDimensionalData.jl1An extension of DimensionalData.jl for EHT Julia Packages
NoiseModels.jl1Noise modeling
EHTModels.jl1A Julia package to provide generic parameterized models for radio interferometric data
CIMOptimizer.jl1Cim-optimizer wrapper for JuMP
PathWeightSampling.jl1Julia implementation of Path Weight Sampling (PWS) to compute information transmission rates
MLJGaussianProcesses.jl1Gaussian Processes for MLJ
HmtGutenberg.jl1Generate plain-text editions of texts in the HMT archive in as many formats as you please.
NodalPolynomialSpaces.jl1Largrange polynomial based spectral PDE solvers
ApproxMasterEqs.jl1This Julia package performs the numerical integration of two Approximated Master Equations on networks: the Cavity Master Equation and the Conditional Dynamic Approximation
OliveImages.jl1Image files for olive
CuFluxSampler.jl1GPU-accelerated algorithms for flux sampling in CUDA.jl
HighlyAdaptiveLasso.jl1A MLJ wrapper to the R [HAL]( package.
MiseEnPage.jl1Analyze the layout of manuscript pages edited according to the conventions of the Homer Multitext project
IceFloeTracker.jl1Julia package for ice floe tracker
OpSel.jl1Efficient optimal selection for tree breeding
EquilibriumMeasures.jl1Calculate equilibrium measures from potentials
MinAtar.jl1Minifying Atari in Julia
CropRootBox.jl1🪴 example of root system architecture simulation like CRootBox
GEOTRACES.jl1Read and use GEOTRACES data in Julia.
Mikrubi.jl1Mikrubi: a model for species distributions using region-based records
AdditiveCellCom.jl1Generalized linear models for cell-cell communication
EfficientGlobalOptimization.jl1Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) Toolbox
OperatorApproximation.jl1A framework for approximating functions, operators and solving operator equations
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