Dependency Packages
POMDPSolve.jl10A Julia wrapper for pomdp-solve that interfaces with the POMDPs.jl framework
GRAPE.jl10Gradient Ascent Pulse Engineering in Julia
GridapPardiso.jl10Provides Pardiso solvers to the Gridap project
PolyhedralRelaxations.jl10LP and MILP relaxation sequences for univariate functions
PolygenicRiskScores.jl10Polygenic Risk Scoring in pure Julia
Poltergeist.jl10Julia package for transfer operator spectral methods
IESopt.jl10IESopt (Integrated Energy System Optimization) is a modeling and optimization framework for integrated energy systems.
Intan.jl10Julia API for Intan RHD2000
Ket.jl10Toolbox for quantum information, nonlocality, and entanglement
KiteModels.jl10Kite and tether models for the simulation of kite power systems
LinearRegressionKit.jl10Linear Regression for Julia
PDDLViz.jl10A library for visualizing and animating PDDL domains.
PartitionedStructures.jl10Partitioned derivatives storage and partitioned quasi-Newton updates
ABCdeZ.jl10Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) with differential evolution (de) moves and model evidence (Z) estimates.
MendelPlots.jl10Julia package for plotting results from GWAS
Mera.jl10Analysis Tool for Astrophysical Simulation Data in the Julia Language
ParameterSpacePartitions.jl10A Julia package for mapping qualitative data patterns to regions of a model's parameter space.
MLFlowLogger.jl10Basic wrapper to allow logging to MLFlow from Julia
MLJIteration.jl10A package for wrapping iterative MLJ models in a control strategy
OscillatoryIntegrals.jl10Calculate oscillatory integrals using Julia
MultiAgentPathFinding.jl10Structures and algorithms for Multi-Agent PathFinding in Julia
OptimalBids.jl10Package for identifying optimal bids.
Multitaper.jl10A Julia package for frequency domain analysis of time series
MultivariateAnomalies.jl10Julia Package for detecting multivariate anomalies.
MLJJLBoost.jl9MLJ.jl interface for JLBoost.jl
AbnormalReturns.jl9Calculate regressions and abnormal returns for large return datasets quickly
AutoregressiveModels.jl9Essential toolkits for working with autoregressive models
FastGroupBy.jl9Some helper functions to make some group by operations on DataFrames and IndexedTables faster
InfluxDBClient.jl9A Julia client for InfluxDB V2 OSS
COBREXA.jl9COnstraint Based Reconstruction and EXascale Analysis (in Julia)
InfinitesimalGenerators.jl9A set of tools to work with Markov Processes
MRIFieldmaps.jl9Julia methods for estimating fieldmaps in MRI
NeuralQuantumState.jl9Implements the Neural Quantum State algorithm for Julia.
CTDirect.jl9Direct transcription of an optimal control problem and resolution
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