Dependency Packages
FSimROS.jl9A package of FlightSims.jl family for ROS2.
ModiaBase.jl9Core algorithms for equation-based modeling
QiskitOpt.jl9JuMP wrapper for IBMQ Optimization Algorithms (ft QUBODrivers.jl)
RayTraceHeatTransfer.jl9This repository performs radiative heat transfer calculations in a user defined enclosure with a participating medium by using Monte Carlo ray tracing to obtain exchange factors allowing for quick heat transfer calculations
KitBase.jl9Lightweight module of physical formulations in Kinetic.jl
KernelInterpolation.jl9Multivariate (generalized) scattered data interpolation with symmetric (conditionally) positive definite kernel functions in arbitrary dimension
ParametrisedConvexApproximators.jl9A Julia package for parameterized convex approximators including parameterized log-sum-exp (PLSE) network.
LevyArea.jl9Iterated stochastic integrals in Julia.
CubedSphere.jl9Tools for generating cubed sphere grids and solving partial differential equations on the sphere.
PostgresCatalog.jl9Julia library for introspecting Postgres databases
MixedModelsMakie.jl9Plotting functionality for MixedModels.jl implemented in Makie
ConstrainedControl.jl9Control for rigid body dynamical systems in maximal coordinates
MathProgIncidence.jl9Tools for constructing and analyzing the incidence graph or matrix of variables and constraints in a JuMP model
GenomicVectors.jl9Computations on genome locations, inspired by BioConductor.
AtmosphericModels.jl91d and 3d models of the atmosphere for the simulation of airborne wind energy systems
Polylogarithms.jl9Polylogarithm function and related special functions and sequences.
ImageQualityIndexes.jl9Indexes for image quality assessment
PlotIter.jl9Make many plots from an iterable
DrillHoles.jl9Drill hole utilities for the GeoStats.jl framework
AlgebraicRL.jl9Reinforcement learning, compositionally
QuantumStateBase.jl9Quantum states for quantum optics.
MolSimToolkit.jl9A set of tools for analyzing molecular dynamics simulations
LearningHorse.jl9LearningHorse.jl is the ML library for JuliaLang.
Judyp.jl9Julia package for solving dynamic programming problems
HorseML.jl9HorseML.jl is the ML library for JuliaLang.
NeuralDynamics.jl9This package contains a convenient analysis and visualization pipeline for simple dynamical models of neurons and networks of neurons.
FunctionProperties.jl9A SciML symbolic-numeric compiler tool for investigating functions in order to perform optimizations
JLBoostMLJ.jl9MLJ.jl interface for JLBoost.jl
OPFSampler.jl9Takes a power grid case and generates OPF samples by changing the input parameters.
MonolithicFEMVLFS.jl9A monolithic Finite Element formulation for the hydroelastic analysis of Very Large Floating Structures
IntegratedOptics.jl9Simulation and Optimization Library for Integrated Optics in Julia.
Amaru.jl9Amaru - Finite element library
MultiscaleGraphSignalTransforms.jl9MultiscaleGraphSignalTransforms.jl is a collection of software tools written in the Julia programming language for graph signal processing including HGLET, GHWT, eGHWT, NGWP, Lapped NGWP, and Lapped HGLET. Some of them were originally written in MATLAB by Jeff Irion, but we added more functionalities, e.g., eGHWT, NGWP, etc.
MLJGLMInterface.jl9MLJ.jl interface for GLM.jl models
Gaugefields.jl9Utilities of gauge fields
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