Dependency Packages
FeynmanKacParticleFilters.jl4Particle filtering using the Feynman-Kac formalism
FeedbackNets.jl4Deep and convolutional neural networks with feedback operations in Flux.
AndorSIF.jl4Read Andor SIF file in Julia
PlantGeom.jl4Everything 3D for plants 🌱
ImplicitGraphs.jl4Implicitly defined graphs (possibly infinite)
FastaLoader.jl4Load fasta files that contain DNA strings and process it for other downstream tasks
F1Method.jl4F-1 method
Pioran.jl4Power spectrum inference of irregularly sampled time series using Gaussian Processes in Julia
ExtendableFEM.jl4High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids and ExtendableFEMBase
InferenceReport.jl4Generate nice reports from MCMC-based approximations
ExponentialFamilyManifolds.jl4Manifolds for the natural parameters of members of the exponential family of distributions
ExpFamilyDistributions.jl4A Julia package for probability distributions member of the Exponential family
InfiniteRandomArrays.jl4Infinite random arrays in Julia.
EulerLagrange.jl4Code generation for Euler-Lagrange equations.
EmbeddingsAnalysis.jl4A package for embeddings processing
AgnosticBayesEnsemble.jl4This Package comprises a collection of ensemble algorithms for prediction, in order to improve the predictive performance for classification and regression problems.
AgentsPlots.jl4Plotting functionality for Agents.jl - Agent-Based Modelling in Julia
ElectronLiquid.jl4Effective field theory approach to the electron liquid problem
IsingSolvers.jl4🧲Ising Model solvers in Julia
Anime.jl4Atmospheric aNd Instrument models in the Measurement Equation
ITensorLattices.jl4Library for generating and visualizing lattices for use in constructing Hamiltonians
EffectSizes.jl4Effect size measures
Jadex.jl4High-performance Julia re-implementation of RADEX
EcologicalNetworksPlots.jl4Networks. Boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew. And now, plot 'em.
PhyloModels.jl4Phylogenetic simulation and inference in Julia
PhylogeneticFactorAnalysis.jl4Julia package for automating phylogenetic factor analysis model selection
PhyloGaussianBeliefProp.jl4Analysis of Gaussian models on phylogenetic networks using belief propagation (aka message passing)
EBayes.jl4Empirical Bayes shrinkage in Julia
EarthData.jl4Julia interface to
ProjectAssigner.jl4Tool for assigning students from a large class (e.g. Senior Design) to projects based on their preferences, skills, and small friend groups
DynamicBoundspODEsIneq.jl4Differential Inequality Algorithms for Parametric ODEs
DyadicKDE.jl4Dyadic kernel density estimation in Julia
Duff.jl4Dependency aware feature selection
DSDP.jl4A Julia interface to the DSDP semidefinite programming solver
DPMMSubClustersStreaming.jl4Code for our AISTATS '22 paper "Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Clustering Streaming Data"
DIVAnd_HFRadar.jl4High Frequency radar data interpolation with DIVAnd
Psychrometrics.jl4A toolbox for air-water vapor psychrometrics for Julia
DisjointCliqueCover.jl4Package to estimate a minimum edge-disjoint edge clique cover (EECC) of a graph
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