Dependency Packages
Swalbe.jl15Simple Julia Lattice Boltzmann Solver for Thin Liquid Films and Droplets, approximating the thin film equation.
InteractiveGeodynamics.jl14Interactive examples for different geodynamic problems
Bonsai.jl14A HTTP framework
SoleLogics.jl14Computational logic in Julia!
VectorModesolver.jl14Vector Finite Difference Maxwell Modesolver
GenieAutoReload.jl13AutoReload plugin for the Genie web framework
ProToPortal.jl13ProToPortal: The Portal to the Magic of PromptingTools and Julia-first LLM Coding
ControlBarrierFunctions.jl12Control barrier functions (CBFs) in Julia.
SoleModels.jl12Symbolic modeling in Julia!
ExtensibleEffects.jl12Implementing extensible effects in Julia
ModalDecisionTrees.jl11Julia implementation of Modal Decision Trees & Forests, for interpretable classification of spatial and temporal data. Long live Symbolic Learning!!
MedEye3d.jl11Julia library for visualization and annotation medical images, specialized particularly for rapid development segmentation of 3 dimensional images like CT or PET/CT scans. Has full support of nuclear medicine Data.
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
SoleData.jl11Manage unstructured and multimodal datasets!
PlutoPages.jl11Static site generation with Pluto, WIP
SimpleFeatures.jl9Working with simple feature GIS data in Julia
StochasticGene.jl8Julia module to fit and analyze stochastic gene transcription models
MarkovChainHammer.jl8A toolkit for analyzing, generating, and constructing both continuous and discrete markov chains.
RigorousInvariantMeasures.jl8Package for the Rigorous Computation of Invariant Measures
QuantumGraining.jl7A package for obtaining the effective time-averaged Lindbladian.
StateSpaceDynamics.jl7Julia library for fitting and analyzing state space models. Provides efficient implementations of various SSMs including the canonical Gaussian LDS (Kalman Filter/Smoother), Poisson LDS, HMMs, etc.
GenieAuthorisation.jl7Role based authorisation (RBA) plugin for Genie.jl
CausalGPSLC.jl6Causal Inference using Gaussian Processes with Structured Latent Confounders. Estimate treatment effects with Gaussian processes.
Muninn.jl6Scientific machine learning glacier mass balance models
WebSession.jl6Julia package to easily manage Sessions using Genie.jl Framework.
GeniePlugins.jl5Genie plugin providing functionality for creating and working with Genie plugins.
Loraine.jl5Julia code for general and low-rank semidefinite optimization
PALEOocean.jl5Ocean components for the PALEO biogeochemical framework
ModalDecisionLists.jl5Modal decision trees, but it's sequential covering.
OlivePython.jl5Read and evaluate python in olive!
SequencerJ.jl4Julia-language port of the Sequencer algorithm, originally developed in python ( The Sequencer finds trends in 1-dimensional data sets and has been used by its original authors for data analysis in astrophysics, seismology, image processing, etc. Contributions are welcome!
EyeOfRa.jl4Continuous testing while developing functions
WGPUCompute.jl4Compute shaders interface for WGPU from julia
SoleDecisionTreeInterface.jl4Sole interface for trees trained via JuliaAI/DecisionTree.jl.
GenieCache.jl4Abstract package for Genie caching
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