Dependency Packages
LinearFractional.jl6Linear fractional programming with Julia and JuMP
ConstraintModels.jl6A package that stores Constraint Programming models for JuliaConstraints solvers
SourceCodeMcCormick.jl6Experimental Approach to McCormick Relaxation Source-Code Transformation
MixedModelsExtras.jl6Extra non essential functionality for MixedModels.jl
ProxAL.jl6Proximal Augmented Lagrangian solver for solving multiperiod contingency-constrained ACOPF
AcousticRayTracers.jl6Differentiable acoustic ray tracers
Knockoffs.jl6Variable Selection with Knockoffs
DeepCompartmentModels.jl6Package for fitting models according to the deep compartment modeling framework for pharmacometric applications.
DickeModel.jl6A toolkit for the quantum and classical Dicke model in Julia.
KDEstimation.jl6Provides a general framework for implementing and performing Kernel Density Estimation
JuDGE.jl6An interface for solving a stochastic capacity expansion problem via a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm
DistributedRelaxationTimes.jl6A julia package to compute the Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) of a given set of impedance measurements.
FMISensitivity.jl6Unfortunately, FMUs ( are not differentiable by design. To enable their full potential inside Julia, FMISensitivity.jl makes FMUs fully differentiable, regarding to: states and derivatives | inputs, outputs and other observable variables | parameters | event indicators | explicit time | state change sensitivity by event
ReliabilityOptimization.jl5Reliability-based optimization
Sudoku.jl5Solve Sudoku puzzles using integer programming
SDPT3.jl5A Julia interface to the SDPT3 solver
SubspaceInference.jl5Subspace Inference package for uncertainty analysis in deep neural networks and neural ordinary differential equations using Julia
PresentationScheduling.jl5Optimal presentation schedules using binary optimization, in Julia via JuMP.
GuessworkQuantumSideInfo.jl5Computing the guesswork in the presence of quantum side information
ValueAtRisk.jl5Value-at-Risk for Julia
StorageSystemsSimulations.jl5Package to simulate the operation of Storage Systems
ThresholdStability.jl5Stability Tools for Threshold Vector Autoregressive Models
ShiftedProximalOperators.jl5Proximal operators for use with RegularizedOptimization
Mazes.jl5Create grid mazes
FSimZoo.jl5Predefined environments and controllers for FlightSims.jl
GNRProdEst.jl5Implementation of the Gandhi, Navarro, Rievers (2020) production function estimator.
ScalingCollapse.jl5A julia package for automatic finite size scaling.
IncrementalPruning.jl5Incremental pruning solver for partially observable Markov decision processes
MQLib.jl5MQLib wrapper for JuMP
ConicNonlinearBridge.jl5MathProgBase wrapper to solve conic optimization problems with derivative-based nonlinear solvers
TrajectoryGamesExamples.jl5Example environments and tools for the TrajectoryGamesBase interface.
NetworkHawkesProcesses.jl5Network Hawkes processes in Julia.
PulseInputDDM.jl5A Julia library for fitting DDMs to pulse-based evidence accumulations task data
Theta.jl5Computing the Riemann Theta function in Julia
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
BaseModelica.jl5Importers for the BaseModelica standard into the Julia ModelingToolkit ecosystem
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