Dependency Packages
CompressedSensing.jl29Contains a wide-ranging collection of compressed sensing and feature selection algorithms. Examples include matching pursuit algorithms, forward and backward stepwise regression, sparse Bayesian learning, and basis pursuit.
PDESystemLibrary.jl28A library of systems of partial differential equations, as defined with ModelingToolkit.jl in Julia
SankeyPlots.jl28A Sankey Diagram recipe for Plots.jl
DirectTrajectoryOptimization.jl28A Julia package for constrained trajectory optimization using direct methods.
ParameterEstimation.jl27ParameterEstimation.jl is a Julia package for estimating parameters and initial conditions of ODE models given measurement data.
QuantumCollocation.jl27Quantum Optimal Control with Direct Collocation
DisjunctiveProgramming.jl27A JuMP extension for Generalized Disjunctive Programming
ToQUBO.jl27🟦 JuMP ToQUBO Automatic Reformulation
QSimulator.jl27Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia
GraphsFlows.jl27Flow algorithms on Graphs.jl
Ai4EComponentLib.jl27A component library based on ModelingToolkit
BlockDecomposition.jl27Extension of JuMP to model decomposable mathematical programs (using Benders or Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition paradigm)
KernelEstimator.jl27The julia package for nonparametric density estimate and regression
PolaronMobility.jl26Feynman's variational path-integral model for the Fröhlich polaron. Calculates temperature dependent polaron mobilities, and other polaron observables.
GeoStatsBase.jl26Base package for the GeoStats.jl framework
SNOW.jl26Optimization framework for nonlinear, gradient-based constrained, sparse optimization problems.
BosonSampling.jl26Boson sampling tools for Julia
Wannier.jl26A playground for Wannier functions
ReactionNetworkImporters.jl26Julia Catalyst.jl importers for various reaction network file formats like BioNetGen and stoichiometry matrices
DiffEqFinancial.jl25Differential equation problem specifications and scientific machine learning for common financial models
ProjectManagement.jl25Project Management tools, with a particular focus on PERT charts
Metida.jl25Julia package for fitting mixed-effects models with flexible random/repeated covariance structure.
StochasticDelayDiffEq.jl25Stochastic delay differential equations (SDDE) solvers for the SciML scientific machine learning ecosystem
Extremes.jl25Extreme value analysis package for Julia
LaplacianOpt.jl25A Julia/JuMP Package for Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity of Undirected Weighted Graphs
CapacityExpansion.jl24Capacity Expansion Problem Formulation for Julia
MathOptSetDistances.jl24Distances to sets for MathOptInterface
QuantumAnnealing.jl24Tools for the Simulation and Execution of Quantum Annealing Algorithms
NeuronBuilder.jl24Builds conductance based neural networks iteratively, from ion channels and synapses
GasPowerModels.jl24Julia packages for joint optimization of natural gas and power transmission networks
QHull.jl24A Julia wrapper around a PyCall wrapper around the qhull Convex Hull library
CollectiveSpins.jl24Simulate quantum systems consisting of many spins interacting via dipole-dipole interaction
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
NaiveNASflux.jl23Your local Flux surgeon
MathOptPresolve.jl23Presolve routines for mathematical optimization
StructDualDynProg.jl23Implementation of SDDP (Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming) using the StructJuMP modeling interface
GraphicalModelLearning.jl23Algorithms for Learning Graphical Models
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