Dependency Packages
MomentOpt.jl12A Julia modeling layer for the Generalized Moment Problem
BilevelHeuristics.jl12Metaheuristics for solving bilevel optimization problems.
NLPModelsKnitro.jl12A thin KNITRO wrapper for NLPModels
ClimatePlots.jl12Plotting library for ClimateTools
LPVSpectral.jl12Least-squares (sparse) spectral estimation and (sparse) LPV spectral decomposition.
PyramidScheme.jl12Building and using pyramids for large raster data
KitML.jl11Lightweight module of neural differential equations in Kinetic.jl
SDPA.jl11A Julia interface to the SDPA semidefinite programming solver
JutulDarcyRules.jl11JutulDarcyRules: ChainRules extension to Jutul and JutulDarcy
Scheduling.jl11Julia library for scheduling
OrdinalMultinomialModels.jl11Ordered multinomial models
SpiDy.jl11:spider: Non-Markovian stochastic SPIn (and harmonic oscillator) DYnamics.
ActionModels.jl11A Julia package for behavioural modeling
StrategicGames.jl11A set of functions in pure Julia for Game Theory
GeneralizedSasakiNakamura.jl11Computing solutions to the frequency-domain radial Teukolsky equation with the Generalized Sasaki-Nakamura (GSN) formalism in julia
MEstimation.jl11Methods for M-estimation of statistical models
NumericalMethodsforEngineers.jl11Programs modeled after "Numerical Methods for Engineers" by D.V. Griffiths and I.M. Smith
FixedPolynomials.jl11A package for fast evaluation of multivariate polynomials.
RegularizationTools.jl11A Julia package to perform Tikhonov regularization for small to moderate size problems.
BioGraph.jl11A Julia package for handle genome graph in the GFA format.
NMRTools.jl11A simple library for handling NMR data in Julia
Nodariety.jl11Hyphenate your way to glory! Or centrality.
ModiaLang.jl11Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
SimpleGraphAlgorithms.jl11Additional algorithms for the `SimpleGraphs` module that rely on integer programming
PoGO.jl11PoGO is a Julia package that facilitates automatic piecewise linearization of various non-linear functions within JuMP models.
Sisyphus.jl11A high-performance library for gradient based quantum optimal control
LiteHF.jl11Light-weight HistFactory in pure Julia, attempts to be compatible with `pyhf` json format
PSFModels.jl10Fast, allocation-free PSF representations
SDPNAL.jl10A Julia interface to the SDPNAL+ solver
KiteModels.jl10Kite and tether models for the simulation of kite power systems
Ket.jl10Toolbox for quantum information, nonlocality, and entanglement
RandomFeatures.jl10Modular random feature approximation in Julia
DifferentiableMetabolism.jl10Differentiable constraint-based metabolic models
PowerWaterModels.jl10A Julia/JuMP Package for Joint Optimization of Power and Water Distribution Networks
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