Dependency Packages
Dynare.jl86A Julia rewrite of Dynare: solving, simulating and estimating DSGE models.
ImageProjectiveGeometry.jl85Projective geometry for computer vision in Julia
OrbitalTrajectories.jl83OrbitalTrajectories.jl is a modern orbital trajectory design, optimisation, and analysis library for Julia, providing methods and tools for designing spacecraft orbits and transfers via high-performance simulations of astrodynamical models.
TimeSeriesClustering.jl82Julia implementation of unsupervised learning methods for time series datasets. It provides functionality for clustering and aggregating, detecting motifs, and quantifying similarity between time series datasets.
ClustForOpt.jl82Julia implementation of unsupervised learning methods for time series datasets. It provides functionality for clustering and aggregating, detecting motifs, and quantifying similarity between time series datasets.
EasyModelAnalysis.jl79High level functions for analyzing the output of simulations
SMM.jl79Simulated Method of Moments for Julia
Impute.jl77Imputation methods for missing data in julia
SolidStateDetectors.jl77Solid state detector field and charge drift simulation in Julia
StochasticPrograms.jl75Julia package for formulating and analyzing stochastic recourse models.
ReactionMechanismSimulator.jl72The amazing Reaction Mechanism Simulator for simulating large chemical kinetic mechanisms
Tyler.jl71Makie package to plot maptiles from various map providers
Quantica.jl68Simulation of quantum systems on a lattice
AtomicGraphNets.jl62Atomic graph models for molecules and crystals in Julia
DitherPunk.jl60Dithering algorithms in Julia.
GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl60Import, process and interpret geophysical data sets to be used in numerical models.
BioMakie.jl56Plotting and interface tools for biology.
MeshViz.jl54Makie.jl recipes for visualization of Meshes.jl
DynamicalSystemsBase.jl54Definition of dynamical systems and integrators for DynamicalSystems.jl
ComplexityMeasures.jl54Estimators for probabilities, entropies, and other complexity measures derived from data in the context of nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
CMBLensing.jl52The automatically differentiable and GPU-compatible toolkit for CMB analysis.
EasyML.jl51A foolproof way of doing ML with GUI elements.
GlobalSensitivity.jl51Robust, Fast, and Parallel Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) in Julia
SpectralClustering.jl49Spectral clustering algorithms written in Julia
Neuroimaging.jl48Neuroimaging in Julia
OSMMakie.jl47A Makie.jl recipe for plotting OpenStreetMap data.
ImageSegmentation.jl47Partitioning images into meaningful regions
LightOSM.jl47A Julia package for downloading and analysing geospatial data from OpenStreetMap APIs.
TimeseriesSurrogates.jl46A Julia package for generating timeseries surrogates
PopGen.jl46Population Genetics in Julia
ImageFeatures.jl44Image feature detection for the Julia language
RecurrenceAnalysis.jl43Recurrence Quantification Analysis in Julia
TravelingSalesmanExact.jl43Solve the travelling salesman problem using a mixed integer optimization algorithm with JuMP
LinRegOutliers.jl43Direct and robust methods for outlier detection in linear regression
Crux.jl43Julia library for deep reinforcement learning
GridapEmbedded.jl42Embedded finite element methods in Julia
GridapGmsh.jl42Gmsh generated meshes for Gridap
NestedSamplers.jl41Implementations of single and multi-ellipsoid nested sampling
Erdos.jl41A library for graph analysis written Julia.
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