Dependency Packages
GeoParams.jl42Define material parameters, perform non-dimensionalization and provide computational routines for material parameters in geodynamic simulations
GeometricMachineLearning.jl42Structure Preserving Machine Learning Models in Julia
SimilaritySearch.jl42A nearest neighbor search library with exact and approximate algorithms
BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl42Boundary value problem (BVP) solvers for scientific machine learning (SciML)
NestedSamplers.jl41Implementations of single and multi-ellipsoid nested sampling
ClimateSatellite.jl41Julia package that downloads satellite measurements and observational data
LifeContingencies.jl41Life Actuarial Maths
ImageQuilting.jl41Fast image quilting simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
EcoSISTEM.jl41Julia package for ecosystem simulation
Jutul.jl41Experimental framework for automatic differentiation finite-volume simulators
DataAugmentation.jl41Flexible data augmentation library for machine and deep learning
Sixel.jl41The Julia wrapper of libsixel
Petri.jl40A Petri net modeling framework for the Julia programming language
InformationGeometry.jl40Methods for computational information geometry
MeshCatMechanisms.jl403D Visualization of mechanisms and URDFs using MeshCat.jl and RigidBodyDynamics.jl
NonlinearSchrodinger.jl40A suite of tools for solving Nonlinear Schrodinger equations via higher-order algorithms and Darboux transformations.
OceanBioME.jl40🌊 🦠 🌿 A fast and flexible modelling environment written in Julia for modelling the coupled interactions between ocean biogeochemistry, carbonate chemistry, and physics
RHEOS.jl39RHEOS - Open Source Rheology data analysis software
SBMLToolkit.jl39SBML differential equation and chemical reaction model (Gillespie simulations) for Julia's SciML ModelingToolkit
ClimateBase.jl39Tools to analyze and manipulate climate (spatiotemporal) data. Also used by ClimateTools and ClimatePlots
ActuaryUtilities.jl39Common functions in actuarial and financial routines
Silico.jl39Unified contact simulaton and collision detection
RealNeuralNetworks.jl38A unified framework for skeletonization, morphological analysis, and connectivity analysis.
GADM.jl38A Julia package for obtaining geographical data from the GADM dataset
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
HiQGA.jl37High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
CircularArrays.jl37Multi-dimensional arrays with fixed size and circular indexing.
Korg.jl37Fast 1D LTE stellar spectral synthesis
EasyFit.jl37Easy interface for obtaining fits for 2D data
SIIPExamples.jl37Examples of how to use the modeling capabilities developed under the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at NREL.
Sparspak.jl37Direct solution of large sparse systems of linear algebraic equations in pure Julia
AIBECS.jl36The ideal tool for exploring global marine biogeochemical cycles.
ClimaLand.jl36Clima's Land Model
BlobTracking.jl36Detect and track blobs in video
ClimaLSM.jl36Clima's Land Model
LocalFilters.jl35Multi-dimensional local filters (convolution, mathematical morphology, etc.) for Julia.
HierarchicalEOM.jl35An efficient Julia framwork for Hierarchical Equations of Motion (HEOM) in open quantum systems
F16Model.jl35Nonlinear model of F16 flight dynamics.
ImageBinarization.jl35A Julia package of algorithms for analyzing images and automatically binarizing them into background and foreground.
QuantumToolbox.jl35Quantum Toolbox in Julia
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