Dependency Packages
PlotPWM.jl0Plot position weight matrices (PWM)
PlotPlants.jl0Yujie's customized plotting utilities
BasicAkerRelationalScore.jl0This is a dimensionality reduction algorithm which has the goal of maintaining interpretability i.e we eliminate variables directly from potential models that don't seem to add any predictive power.
PlasmoPlots.jl0Plotting functions for Plasmo.jl
PlantViz.jl0Visualization of 3D meshes
SignalPlots.jl0Plots of signaling pathways
SignalTablesInterface_CairoMakie.jl0SignalTables Interface to CairoMakie
SignalTablesInterface_GLMakie.jl0SignalTables Interface to GLMakie
SignalTablesInterface_PyPlot.jl0SignalTables Interface to PyPlot
SignalTablesInterface_WGLMakie.jl0SignalTables Interface to WGLMakie
PlantRayTracer.jl0Ray tracing of 3D meshes (not for visualization)
PlantGeomTurtle.jl0Generate geometry meshes from graphs using turtle algorithms
PlantGeomPrimitives.jl0Meshes and functions to generate geometry primitives
SimpleAiboWebAPI.jl0Simple Web API to communicate with Sony Aibo ERS-1000 by Julia language.
PiecewisePolynomials.jl0Implementation of piecewise polynomials on a segment
PICDataStructures.jl0Data structures for Particle-in-Cell codes
PhysicalFDM.jl0Finite Differencing Method in Julia language
SimpleLexica.jl0Work with citable lexica in a simple plain-text format.
PhysicalFFT.jl0FFT solvers in Julia language
PersistentHomologyTransfer.jl0Implementation of Persistent Homology Transform
PCloud.jl0Native Julia implementation of pCloud sdk
SimulationParameters.jl0Advanced handing of nested input simulation parameters
Sinaica.jl0This is a package to obtain data from SINAICA (
Pasteee.jl0Julia API for
Pastebin.jl0Pastebin.jl - A Wrapper around the Pastebin REST API
ParticleHolography.jl0ParticleHolography.jl: Holographic particle measurement in Julia.
ParameterEstimateScatterPlots.jl0Basic scatter plots with overlayed linear fit and ideal trend lines for visualizing estimator performance
ParallelAnalysis.jl0Heuristic methods for assessing approximate unidimensionality of data matrix.
OscarDevTools.jl0Tools for developing Oscar and for continuous integration
Orthography.jl0Work with rigorously defined scholarly editions of digital texts adhering to a specified orthography.
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
Skyler.jl0Julia package for recovering stratified spaces underlying point clouds.
AxisTables.jl0Tables with AxisIndices backend
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