Dependency Packages
PolaronPathIntegrals.jl3An implementation of Feynman's variational path integral technique, written in Julia, for the determination of phenomenological properties of the electron in electronic materials.
KmerAnalysisMakie.jl3Makie recpies for visualising KmerAnalysis types and results.
MPITestImages.jl3Test images for evaluating MPI simulation frameworks.
PhysiologyAnalysis.jl3Julia package for opening and analyzing electrophysiological data
EHTImages.jl3A Julia package to handle high dimensional astronomy image data sets for radio interferometry
KnetOnnx.jl3Move your models to Knet!
SeaPearlExtras.jl3Non-critical functions for SeaPearl
DataDrivenAcoustics.jl2Data driven acoustic propagation models
Superfluids.jl2Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes in 2D
MicroscopyLabels.jl2Easily embed annotations in your microscopy images
CliMADatasets.jl2Repository that containts climate relevant ML datasets from the Climate Modeling Alliance.
PixelArt.jl2Sample repository in
UnetUtils.jl2UnetStack utilities
CanDecomp.jl2CanDecomp (CP) Tensor Decomposition
UVITTools.jl2AstroSat/UVIT grating spectroscopy and aperture photometry tools
BarnsleyFern.jl2To generate Barnsley Fern patterns
MRIGradients.jl2Julia version of MRI gradient descriptions and GIRF applications.
NeuralGraphicsGL.jl2Helper OpenGL functionality
ImageContainers.jl2Show various type of images in Jupyter / Juno
ImageAxes.jl2Julia package for giving "meaning" to the axes of an image
RemBG.jl2Julia implementation of the python package rembg
RenderJay.jl2A Julia-based path tracer
RoMEPlotting.jl22D plotting functionality for the RoME.jl package
MicroTracker.jl2Microbot tracking and analysis with Julia.
ScancoFiles.jl2Julia package for loading Scanco microCT files
FinEtoolsVibInFluids.jl2Finite Element tools in Julia: Vibration of elastic solids partially or fully submerged in inviscid fluid
SimSpin.jl2SimSpin - A package for the kinematic analysis of galaxy simulations
SpmImages.jl2A julia library to read and display SPM (scanning probe microscopy) images
HmtArchive.jl1Manage and analyze the Homer Multitext project archive
AztecDiamonds.jl1A package for generating and analyzing Aztec diamonds
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