Dependency Packages
SeaPearlExtras.jl3Non-critical functions for SeaPearl
TraitSimulation.jl3Simulate phenotypes from any GLM model
SimGBS.jl3A simple method to simulate Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) data.
SimpleCrop.jl3🌱 example of DSSAT-like crop model written in Cropbox
SimplePosetAlgorithms.jl3Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type.
JudiLingMeasures.jl3Calculate measures for Discriminative Lexicon models developed with JudiLing.
SinusoidalRegressions.jl3Fit experimental data to a variety of sinusoidal models
BLASBenchmarksGPU.jl3Benchmark BLAS libraries on GPUs
SpectralStatistics.jl3Numerical package for the computation and analysis of spectra and eigenvectors of quantum systems
SymbolicNeuralNetworks.jl3Analytic neural networks based on Symbolics.jl
StarFormationHistories.jl3Fitting astrophysical star formation histories via CMD modelling.
KmerAnalysisMakie.jl3Makie recpies for visualising KmerAnalysis types and results.
Langevin.jl3Stochastic kinetic scheme for uncertainty quantification
BarBay.jl2Repository for the BarBay Julia package for Bayesian inference of relative fitness on barcode sequencing data.
SSMProblems.jl2Common abstractions for state-space models
DiffEqBayesStan.jl2Stan only version of DiffEqBayes.jl
CausalityToolsBase.jl2Base functionality used throughout the CausalityTools ecosystem
Peccon.jl2The julia library for the peccon project
Huginn.jl2Fast and flexible glacier ice flow models
CanDecomp.jl2CanDecomp (CP) Tensor Decomposition
DynamicBounds.jl2Bounds and Relaxations of Parametric Differential Equations
Superfluids.jl2Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes in 2D
DynamicBoundsBase.jl2Abstraction Layer for Dynamic Bounds
OutlierDetectionTest.jl2Test Toolkit for Outlier Detection Algorithms
OutlierDetectionData.jl2Easy way to use public outlier detection datasets with Julia
DynamicLinearModels.jl2Julia package for working with Dynamic Linear Models.
Earth.jl2Earth (multivariate adaptive regression splines) for Julia
RandomCorrelationMatrices.jl2Functions to generate random correlation matrices
BiodiversityObservationNetworks.jl2Methods for optimizing the spatial location of biodiversity-observation-networks
StatisticalRethinkingPlots.jl2Plots based plotting functions for StatisticalRethinking
EllipseSampling.jl2Julia package for sampling and generating points on the boundary of an ellipse with methods for random, equally spaced and clustered points
ObservationDims.jl2Traits for specifying the orientation of features and observations in data
EquationsSolver.jl2A user-friendly tool to solve linear equations and nonlinear equations.
ErdosExtras.jl2More algorithms for the Erdos.jl graph library
BatchReactor.jl2A package for simulating batch reactor model with gasphase chemistry, surface chemistry or user defined chemistry
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