Dependency Packages
AbidesMarkets.jl0Julia wrapper for ABIDES-Markets
AllenNeuropixels.jl0Load, format, analyze, and plot the Allen Neuropixels datasets
AllenNeuropixelsBase.jl0Access data from the Allen Institute's open Neuropixels datasets
AnovaMixedModels.jl0Conduct one-way and multi-way anova in Julia with MixedModels.jl
AstrodynamicalSolvers.jl0Common solvers within orbital mechanics and astrodynamics.
BagOfWords.jl0Explores representations based on bag words
BasicAkerRelationalScore.jl0This is a dimensionality reduction algorithm which has the goal of maintaining interpretability i.e we eliminate variables directly from potential models that don't seem to add any predictive power.
BATTestCases.jl0Test cases for BAT.jl and for Bayesian Julia software in general
BayesSizeAndShape.jl0Bayesian regression models for size-and-shape data
BaytesDiff.jl0Wrappers to differentiate `ModelWrapper` structs, see ModelWrappers.jl.
BaytesFilters.jl0A library to perform particle filtering for one parameter in a `ModelWrapper` struct.
BaytesMCMC.jl0A library to perform MCMC proposal steps on `ModelWrapper` structs, see ModelWrappers.jl.
BaytesOptim.jl0Optimization library for Baytes modules
BaytesPMCMC.jl0A library to perform particle MCMC proposal steps for parameter in a `ModelWrapper` struct, see [ModelWrappers.jl](
BaytesSMC.jl0BaytesSMC.jl is a library to perform SMC proposal steps on `ModelWrapper` structs, see ModelWrappers.jl. Kernels that are defined in BaytesMCMC.jl and BaytesFilters.jl can be used inside this library.
BEASTDataPrep.jl0Standard data cleaning tools prior to generating BEAST xml file
BenchmarkEnvironments.jl0Standard environments for benchmarking the performance of RL algorithms.
BiochemNetABC.jl0A Julia package for simulation, verification and parameter estimation of Biochemical Networks with Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) methods.
BitemporalReactive.jl0A prototype of a reactive Webapp for bitemporal data management of insurance contracts.
BoltzmannMachinesPlots.jl0Adds plotting capabilities to BoltzmannMachines.jl
BoxesWorld.jl0A box-picking POMDP created using POMDPs.jl
ClosedFormExpectations.jl0Julia package that provides closed-form expressions for computing the expectation of a function
Colocalization.jl0Colocalization metrics and distances for images or their sparse representations.
Coulter.jl0Interfacing with Beckman-Coulter Multisizer/Z2 Coulter Counter files (.#=Z2, etc) in Julia
CycleSolver.jl0Package for solving steady state thermodynamic cycles
DateShifting.jl0Reduce re-identification risk while preserving temporal relationships in health data sets
DimensionReductionRegression.jl0Dimension reduction regression for Julia
DirectGaussianSimulation.jl0Direct Gaussian simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
DiscreteChoiceCalculations.jl0Tiny Julia package that contains calculations for discrete choice models (used in economics).
DistributedStwdLDA.jl0Distributed, static topic/word LDA
DoloYAML.jl0Import Dolo models from a YAML file.
DroughtIndices.jl0Julia Package for monthly SPEI calculation
DynamicModelTestUtils.jl0A simple package for MTK-based model testing
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