Dependency Packages
MoM_Visualizing.jl2A Julia package for visualizing of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
PixelArt.jl2Sample repository in
RemBG.jl2Julia implementation of the python package rembg
RenderJay.jl2A Julia-based path tracer
RoMEPlotting.jl22D plotting functionality for the RoME.jl package
SpectralGaussianSimulation.jl2Spectral Gaussian simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
SpmImages.jl2A julia library to read and display SPM (scanning probe microscopy) images
Superfluids.jl2Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes in 2D
UVITTools.jl2AstroSat/UVIT grating spectroscopy and aperture photometry tools
WinchModels.jl2Winch models (groundstation models) for airborne wind energy systems
OliveImages.jl1Image files for olive
NTNk.jl1Unsupervised Machine Learning: Nonnegative Tensor Networks + k-means clustering
NerfUtils.jl1Reusable NeRF components
MiseEnPage.jl1Analyze the layout of manuscript pages edited according to the conventions of the Homer Multitext project
Minc2.jl1Minc2 interface for Julia Language
BundlerIO.jl1Reading and writing Bundler files with Julia
KitePodModels.jl1Models of control pods of remote controlled kites
BlankLocalizationCore.jl1Julia implementation of our multi-operation blank localization method
RoentgenPlots.jl1Plotting Radiotherapy Beam-Limiting Devices using Plots.jl
WebToys.jl1Fun toys built on top of JuliaGizmos projects!
SDFResults.jl1Read and analyze EPOCH simulation data
IceFloeTracker.jl1Julia package for ice floe tracker
HoloProcessing.jl1A package for digital holographic image processing
HmtGutenberg.jl1Generate plain-text editions of texts in the HMT archive in as many formats as you please.
HmtFacsimileBuilders.jl1A Julia package for building static-page digital facsimiles of scholarly editions.
SkyDomes.jl1Compute solar radiation and generate sky domes for VPL
SMLMData.jl1Data types and utilities for SMLM coordinate data.
SMLMFrameConnection.jl1Frame-connection on localization microscopy data
SMLMMetrics.jl1Metrics for SMLM
SMLMSim.jl1Simulation of single molecule data sets
SMRPInversion.jl1Surface Magnetic Resonance Probabilistic Inversion
SocialSamplingTheory.jl1A Julia package for simulating Social Sampling Theory
HmtArchive.jl1Manage and analyze the Homer Multitext project archive
GeoStatsPlots.jl1Plots.jl recipes for the GeoStats.jl framework
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