Dependency Packages
GilaElectromagnetics.jl7Gila implements free space, frequency domain, electromagnetic Green functions.
UnfoldSim.jl7Simulate EEG / ERP data with overlap, non-linear effects, multiple regression
XXhash.jl7Julia wrapper for xxHash C library
CompHENS.jl7Computational Tools for Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis
WaveFD.jl7Reference single time step propagators. Part of the COFII framework.
StateSpaceDynamics.jl7Julia library for fitting and analyzing state space models. Provides efficient implementations of various SSMs including the canonical Gaussian LDS (Kalman Filter/Smoother), Poisson LDS, HMMs, etc.
PlanningDomains.jl7A repository of PDDL domains and problems.
MOTIFs.jl7DNA Motif discovery that includes the discovery of flexible (long or gapped) motifs.
PhysicalParticles.jl7Physical vector and particle types for Julia
Phonetics.jl7A collection of functions to analyze phonetic data
ApproxFunFourier.jl7Support for Fourier-based spaces in ApproxFun
StanModels.jl7Stan versions of StatisticalRethinking models.
TabularMakie.jl7Makie plots with legends and labels and everything
ArarForecast.jl7Forecasting using Arar algorithm
PCHIPInterpolation.jl7Monotonic cubic interpolation in Julia
Curves.jl7A collection of points (x, y), together with an interpolation and extrapolation method, on which standard calculation functions are defined.
CEEDesigns.jl7A decision-making framework for the cost-efficient design of experiments, balancing the value of acquired experimental evidence and incurred costs.
SymbolicsMathLink.jl7Julia package to seamlessly integrate Mathematica's MathLink with Julia's native Symbolics package
PseudoPotentialIO.jl7Support for reading and using pseudopotentials in Julia
OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi.jl7A package for representing orthogonal polynomials as quasi arrays
MCPhylo.jl7(Hierarchical) Phylogenetic Models in Julia
OptimalTransportNetworks.jl7Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium - in Julia
RobustFactorizations.jl7Robust SVD and PCA in Julia
BinomialGPU.jl7A Julia package for sampling binomial random variates on an nVidia GPU
RobotVisualizer.jl7Tools for robot visualization in Julia.
Consensus.jl7A lightweight Consensus-Based Optimisation package for Julia
ConstrainedSystems.jl7Tools for solving constrained dynamical systems
MAGEMinApp.jl7Graphical User Interface for MAGEMin, which runs in your web-browser.
ConceptualClimateModels.jl7ConceptualClimateModels.jl is a Julia package for creating and analysing conceptual models of climate, such as energy balance models, glaciation cycle models, or climate tipping models.
LocallyWeightedRegression.jl7Locally weighted regression solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
PhotoAcoustic.jl7Forward and adjoint photoacoustic operators built on top of JUDI which uses DEVITO as backend for solving wave PDE's.
TensorNetworkCodes.jl7TensorNetworkCodes is a Julia library developed to support the following research:
StorageMirrorServer.jl7As I want it be available, fast, complete and persistent
QuantumStateDistributions.jl7Distributions for continuous variables
QuantumGraining.jl7A package for obtaining the effective time-averaged Lindbladian.
MolecularGaussians.jl7Alignment and comparison of small molecules read from .sdf files represented as Gaussian Mixture Models.
EDFPlus.jl7Reading, writing, and wrangling EEG signal files of BDF and EDF format in Julia
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