Dependency Packages
InformationGeometry.jl40Methods for computational information geometry
ClimateModels.jl40Julia interface to climate models + tracked workflow framework
OceanBioME.jl40🌊 🦠 🌿 A fast and flexible modelling environment written in Julia for modelling the coupled interactions between ocean biogeochemistry, carbonate chemistry, and physics
GPUInspector.jl40Inspecting GPUs with Julia
TrafficAssignment.jl40Julia package for finding traffic user equilibrium flow
InfrastructureSystems.jl39Utility package for Sienna's simulation infrastructure
ReadStatTables.jl39Read and write Stata, SAS and SPSS data files with Julia tables
QXTools.jl39Julia package for quantum circuit simulation using tensor networks
LaplaceRedux.jl38Effortless Bayesian Deep Learning through Laplace Approximation for Flux.jl neural networks.
TexTables.jl38Publication quality regression and statistical tables
DecisionProgramming.jl38DecisionProgramming.jl is a Julia package for solving multi-stage decision problems under uncertainty, modeled using influence diagrams. Internally, it relies on mathematical optimization. Decision models can be embedded within other optimization models.
RealNeuralNetworks.jl38A unified framework for skeletonization, morphological analysis, and connectivity analysis.
OMJulia.jl38Julia scripting OpenModelica interface
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
Peacock.jl37Photonic crystals in Julia 🦚
Sole.jl37Sole.jl – Long live transparent modeling!
DynamicHMCExamples.jl37Examples for Bayesian inference using DynamicHMC.jl and related packages.
SIIPExamples.jl37Examples of how to use the modeling capabilities developed under the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at NREL.
HiQGA.jl37High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
Korg.jl37Fast 1D LTE stellar spectral synthesis
PEPSKit.jl37Julia package for PEPS algorithms
Dolphyn.jl36DOLPHYN: Decision Optimization for Low Carbon Power and Hydrogen Nexus
ClimaLSM.jl36Clima's Land Model
ClimaLand.jl36Clima's Land Model
AIBECS.jl36The ideal tool for exploring global marine biogeochemical cycles.
MoYe.jl35Programming Gemm Kernels on NVIDIA GPUs with Tensor Cores in Julia
ClickHouse.jl35Julia Lang client for the ClickHouse TCP native protocol
CuYao.jl35CUDA extension for Yao.jl
MarkovModels.jl35Julia package for Hidden Markov Model
Neo4j.jl35A reasonably functional Neo4j driver for the Julia programming language.
Diagonalizations.jl35Diagonalization procedures for Julia (PCA, Whitening, MCA, gMCA, CCA, gCCA, CSP, CSTP, AJD, mAJD)
GriddingMachine.jl34Functions to read gridded data so as to feed Clima Land model
NumericalEFT.jl34Numerical Effective Field Theory for Quantum Materials
Plasma.jl34An interface for accelerated simulation of high-dimensional collisionless and electrostatic plasmas.
SynthControl.jl34Synthetic control methods in Julia
Diversity.jl34Julia package for diversity measurement
Phylo.jl33Simple phylogenetic trees in Julia to work with Diversity.jl -
PEtab.jl33Create parameter estimation problems for ODE models
GLFixedEffectModels.jl33Fast estimation of generalized linear models with high dimensional categorical variables in Julia
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