Dependency Packages
SelfConcordantSmoothOptimization.jl0Self-concordant Smoothing for Large-Scale Convex Composite Optimization
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
JHistint.jl0Julia interface for implementing REST APIs available on the CDSA (Cancer Slide Digital Archive) portal for managing histological images available from TCGA. The library includes functions for managing image processing algorithms for cell segmentation, constructing the adjacency matrix, tessellation process and interfacing with J-Space.jl.
LineIntegralConvolution.jl0Line Integral Convolution (LIC) visualization tool for 2D vector fields
LiquidElectrolytes.jl0Generalized Nernst-Planck-Poisson model for liquid electrolytes
JetPackTransforms.jl0Jet transform operators that depend on FFTW.jl, and Wavelets.jl. Part of the COFII framework.
ScatteringOptics.jl0A Julia package to simulate and model interstellar scattering in strong regime.
MTKHelpers.jl0Helper functions with ModelingToolkit
PrairieIO.jl0Prairie technology microscopy format reader
VulkanSpec.jl0Accessing the structure of the Vulkan API
BasicAkerRelationalScore.jl0This is a dimensionality reduction algorithm which has the goal of maintaining interpretability i.e we eliminate variables directly from potential models that don't seem to add any predictive power.
MambaModels.jl0DEPRECATED. Mamba versions of StatisticalRethinking models.
MultiAffine.jl0Implementation of the multi-affine group and its actions
DiscreteOrderedMedian.jl0Branch-and-bound algorithm for the discrete ordered median problem
ManifoldGroupTesting.jl0Utilities to help testing new groups and actions with Manifolds.jl
AtomsToolbox.jl0Tools to work with atomic systems
GalacticPotentials.jl0Common galactic potential models as ModelingToolkit systems!
Graphene.jl0A Julia package for graphene analysis
ITensorMPOCompression.jl0Block respecting compression of MPOs and iMPOs
Ditherings.jl0Dithering Algorithms for Julia
Regions.jl0Regions.jl defines a set of types and functions that model a discrete 2-dimensional region concept.
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