Dependency Packages
NESSie.jl5Nonlocal Electrostatics in Structured Solvents
CameraModels.jl5Basic Camera Models including pinhole, radial distortion and more.
SurvivalDistributions.jl5A few extra distributions used in survival analysis
UncertainHistogramming.jl5A lightweight Julia package to plot a density function for a given set of values with known uncertainties.
WatershedParcellation.jl5A high performance Julia adaptation of the code from "Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations" (Gordon et al 2016)
ValueAtRisk.jl5Value-at-Risk for Julia
TensorOperationsTBLIS.jl5Julia wrapper for TBLIS with TensorOperations.jl
SymPyCore.jl5Package to help connect Julia with the SymPy library of Python
TrajectoryGamesExamples.jl5Example environments and tools for the TrajectoryGamesBase interface.
SubsidenceChron.jl5Chron.jl + basin subsidence analysis
SphericalFourierBesselDecompositions.jl5Code for cosmological SFB analysis.
TheCannon.jl5Implementation of The Cannon (Ness+ '15), a data-driven model for stellar spectra
SpeedDate.jl5Estimation of coalescence times between sequences.
ZeroInflatedDistributions.jl5More zeros than you can shake a stick at
VirtualAcousticOcean.jl5Real-time underwater acoustic simulator
ThresholdStability.jl5Stability Tools for Threshold Vector Autoregressive Models
SPDX.jl5Provides for the creation, reading and writing of SPDX files in multiple file formats. Written in pure Julia.
StellarSpectraObservationFitting.jl5Data-driven models for extremely precise radial velocity (EPRV) spectra
SparseTransforms.jl5Julia implementations of coding-theoretic sparse Walsh-Hadamard and Fourier transforms
SurvivalSignature.jl5Computation and numerical approximation of survival signatures.
SubspaceInference.jl5Subspace Inference package for uncertainty analysis in deep neural networks and neural ordinary differential equations using Julia
StochasticProcesses.jl5A lightweight, efficient package for simulating stochastic processes on various domains.
StoppingInterface.jl5Interface between Stopping.jl and other packages
UtilityModels.jl5A Julia package for utility-based models of decision making
TransportBasedInference.jl5A repository for adaptive transport maps
StorageSystemsSimulations.jl5Package to simulate the operation of Storage Systems
TrillionDollarWords.jl5A small Julia package to facilitate working with the Trillion Dollar Words dataset.
ValkyrieRobot.jl5URDF and meshes for the NASA Valkyrie robot
TrainRuns.jl5TrainRun.jl will take a user-defined train and a path as an input for a train run calculation. It can calculate the train run as a time-efficient or energy-efficient operation mode. The results can then be used within the Julia environment.
StirredReactor.jl4A julia package for the simulation of stirred tank reactor with surface, gasphase or user defined chemistry models
Solaris.jl4Lightweight module for fusing physical and neural models
SmoothInterpolation.jl4Interpolations making use of cached data
XPORTA.jl4A Julia wrapper for the PORTA polyhedral analysis software.
ZonalFlow.jl4Simulating zonal flows on the β-plane.
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