Dependency Packages
KDEstimation.jl6Provides a general framework for implementing and performing Kernel Density Estimation
OpenGeoSysUncertaintyQuantification.jl5An uncertainty quantification toolbox for OpenGeoSys 6
TelegraphNoise.jl5Small Julia package for generating random telegraph signals.
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
SigmaRidgeRegression.jl5Optimally tuned ridge regression when features can be partitioned into groups.
ValueAtRisk.jl5Value-at-Risk for Julia
MLJTestIntegration.jl4Utilities to test implementations of the MLJ model interface and provide integration tests for the MLJ ecosystem
LatticeDiracOperators.jl4Dirac operators for lattice QCD with Julia
ModelMiner.jl4One package to train them all
ProperOrthogonalDecomposition.jl4Julia package for performing the proper orthogonal modal decomposition technique
AutomationLabsIdentification.jl4Dynamical systems identification
InvariantCausalPrediction.jl3Invariant Causal Prediction in pure Julia
BOSS.jl2BOSS (Bayesian Optimization with Semiparametric Surrogate)
AutomationLabsDepot.jl2Warehouse for dynamical systems identification and control
PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl2Compute and add convex (or concave) piecewise linear approximations of functions or a set of points to optimization models modelled in JuMP
Kinbiont.jl2Ecosystem of numerical methods for microbial kinetics data analysis, from preprocessing to result interpretation.
CuFluxSampler.jl1GPU-accelerated algorithms for flux sampling in CUDA.jl
MPIFiles.jl1Julia Package for reading and writing MPI Files
QCDMeasurements.jl1Measurements for lattice QCD. This is intended to use in LatticeQCD.jl.
DistributedMonteCarlo.jl1A Monte-Carlo implementation in the julia language
StochasticIntegrals.jl1This generates covariance matrices and cholesky decompositions for a set of stochastic integrals.
Supernovae.jl1Load Supernova Lightcurves
AutomationLabsExportation.jl1Advanced exports management for AutomationLabs.jl
LighthouseFlux.jl1An adapter package that implements Lighthouse's framework interface for Flux
TrainingPhantoms.jl1Julia package for the Generation of Phantoms that can be used in ML Applications
MPISphericalHarmonics.jl0Julia package for handling measured data for spherical t-designs.
BasicAkerRelationalScore.jl0This is a dimensionality reduction algorithm which has the goal of maintaining interpretability i.e we eliminate variables directly from potential models that don't seem to add any predictive power.
NonconvexMultistart.jl0Multi-start optimization in Nonconvex.jl
AbidesMarkets.jl0Julia wrapper for ABIDES-Markets
QuantileNN.jl0Nonparametric quantile regression using a nearest neighbor approach
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