Dependency Packages
DynamicGridsInteract.jl5An iteractive DynamicGrids.jl UI for Jupyter, atom, desktop and the web.
QEDbase.jl5[WIP] Base types and interfaces for QED.jl
StoppingInterface.jl5Interface between Stopping.jl and other packages
DiscreteVoronoi.jl5Julia implementation of various algorithms for calculating discrete Voronoi diagrams.
MinimumVolumeEllipsoids.jl5Calculation and uniform sampling of minimum-volume enclosing ellipsoids
SubsidenceChron.jl5Chron.jl + basin subsidence analysis
Santiago.jl5Sanitation System Alternative Generator
CoralBlox.jl5CoralBlox is a coral growth and mortality model that simulates distinct coral functional groups indirectly competing for a limited space over time. The model does not directly consider natural disturbances nor does it have representation of anthropogenic restoration and conservation activities such as coral seeding or cloud brightening.
GeometricProblems.jl5Example problems for GeometricIntegrators.jl
ISOKANN.jl5Julia implementation of the ISOKANN algorithm for the computation of invariant subspaces of Koopman operators
PolyaGammaDistribution.jl5Pólya-Gamma distribution for Distributions.jl interface
MinimalRLCore.jl5Minimal Reinforcement Learning
FSimBase.jl5The lightweight base package for numerical simulation supporting nested dynamical systems and macro-based data logger. For more functionality, see FlightSims.jl.
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
NetworkHawkesProcesses.jl5Network Hawkes processes in Julia.
MLJBalancing.jl5A package with exported learning networks that combine resampling methods from Imbalance.jl and classification models from MLJ
MoM_MPI.jl5MPI based parallel for method of moments (MoM) and MLFMA (
EconoSim.jl5Economic simulation tools
LanguageDetect.jl5Port of Google's language-detection library to Julia.
SymPyCore.jl5Package to help connect Julia with the SymPy library of Python
QXContexts.jl5Julia package for performing tensor contractions on distributed machines
ZeroInflatedDistributions.jl5More zeros than you can shake a stick at
RiemannHilbert.jl5A Julia package for solving Riemann–Hilbert problems
Mazes.jl5Create grid mazes
SurvivalDistributions.jl5A few extra distributions used in survival analysis
SphericalFourierBesselDecompositions.jl5Code for cosmological SFB analysis.
StochasticProcesses.jl5A lightweight, efficient package for simulating stochastic processes on various domains.
FSimZoo.jl5Predefined environments and controllers for FlightSims.jl
Batsrus.jl5BATSRUS/SWMF Data Processor
FreezeCurves.jl5Implementations of (soil) freezing characteristic curves, along with helpful tools for their optimization and inference, in Julia.
IncrementalPruning.jl5Incremental pruning solver for partially observable Markov decision processes
ValueAtRisk.jl5Value-at-Risk for Julia
MoM_AllinOne.jl5A Julia package for integration of packages of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
SliceSampling.jl5Slice sampling algorithms in Julia
ReliabilityOptimization.jl5Reliability-based optimization
ReliabilityDiagrams.jl5Visualization of model calibration
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