Dependency Packages
EBayes.jl4Empirical Bayes shrinkage in Julia
Pioran.jl4Power spectrum inference of irregularly sampled time series using Gaussian Processes in Julia
PlantGeom.jl4Everything 3D for plants 🌱
PlotRNA.jl4Plot nucleic acid secondary structures with Julia
PolynomialAmoebas.jl4Package to compute Amoebas in 2 and 3 variables.
DynamicBoundspODEsIneq.jl4Differential Inequality Algorithms for Parametric ODEs
QuantumAnnealingAnalytics.jl4Tools for Visualization of Quantum Annealing
RMLImaging.jl4A Julia package to provide RML imaging methods for high-resolution radio interferometry
SimplexGridFactory.jl4Convenience interfaces to Triangulate.jl and TetGen.jl
Solaris.jl4Lightweight module for fusing physical and neural models
ComradeBase.jl4Defines the minimal interface for Comrade so people can add their own models
SpmGrids.jl4Analyze SPM grid spectroscopy data.
StableSpectralElements.jl4StableSpectralElements.jl: Provably stable discontinuous spectral-element methods for conservation laws
SwissVAMyKnife.jl4Julia package for Light Based Tomographic Volumetric Additive Manufacturing.
Synthesizer.jl4Switched-On Bayes.
BigO.jl4Complexity estimation library
TheNumberLine.jl4The Number Line is a common teaching tool for Math classes (K-12)
AutomationLabsIdentification.jl4Dynamical systems identification
Apophis.jl4Combustion Analysis Package
AgentsPlots.jl4Plotting functionality for Agents.jl - Agent-Based Modelling in Julia
WenoNeverworld.jl4An idealized atlantic
WGPUCompute.jl4Compute shaders interface for WGPU from julia
KiteViewers.jl43D viewer for airborne wind energy systems
IteratedProcessSimulations.jl3Simulate Machine Learning-based Business Processes in Julia
BackgroundSubtraction.jl3A collection of background subtraction algorithms for spectroscopic data
SeaPearlExtras.jl3Non-critical functions for SeaPearl
GeoSimulation.jl3Geostatistical simulation solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
AlgorithmicCompetition.jl3Computational models of algorithmic competition
InverseDistanceWeighting.jl3Inverse distance estimation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
ForTheBadge.jl3A package to build logos in the style of ForTheBadge
MaxEntropyGraphs.jl3Julia implementation of maximum entropy graph models
BellPolytopes.jl3This julia package addresses the membership problem for local polytopes: it constructs Bell inequalities and local models in multipartite Bell scenarios with binary outcomes.
GeoStatsDevTools.jl3Developer tools for the GeoStats.jl framework
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