Dependency Packages
TheMovieDB.jl1Julia wrappers for TheMovieDB API v3
PhysiologyPlotting.jl1Plotting tools for ElectroPhysiology.jl
DICOMClient.jl1Julia client for connecting to DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) servers by using the DICOMweb RESTful services
MatterMost.jl1A Julia package generated using the OpenAPI Generator, providing a convenient API client for interacting with Mattermost chat platforms, supporting various operations and data models with seamless integration.
RepoSnapshots.jl1Take "snapshots" of the main branches of every repository in a GitHub organization
CropRootBox.jl1🪴 example of root system architecture simulation like CRootBox
Forem.jl1Julia wrapper for Forem API v1
SimulinkSDIImporter.jl1Import data from Simulink SDI Sessions to Julia.
SoapySDRRecorder.jl1A simple multi-SDR recorder using SoapySDR.jl
GasChromatographySystems.jl1A package for the simulation of gas chromatography (GC) in complex systems
SQLCompose.jl1Relational composition
SunCalc.jl1Calculate sun position, sunlight phases, moon position, and lunar phase.
Superfacility.jl1Julia Client for the NERSC Superfacilty API
OMOPCDMDatabaseConnector.jl1Utility package to connect to databases in the OMOP CDM format
OpenPolicyAgent.jl1Julia OpenPolicyAgent Client, Server and CLI.
DateShifting.jl0Reduce re-identification risk while preserving temporal relationships in health data sets
BayesSizeAndShape.jl0Bayesian regression models for size-and-shape data
SQLDataFrameTools.jl0Wrapper around DataFrameTools to cache SQL result sets, with expiration
CloudEvents.jl0Julia SDK for
DWDataReader.jl0Utility library for interacting with Dewesoft DWDataReaderLib shared library in the Julia programming language
NeXLParticle.jl0SEM/EDS particle analysis tools
QuantumStateDB.jl0Quantum state database
CryptoMarketData.jl0A library for saving and loading OHLCV candle data from cryptocurrency exchanges
RemoveLFS.jl0Take "snapshots" of the main branches of repositories that use Git LFS
CDMrdata.jl0A Julia package for loading many of the datasets available in CDM R package
KaitaiStruct.jl0Kaitai Struct: runtime for Julia
NamSor.jl0Julia wrappers for NamSor v2 API
LifeInsuranceContracts.jl0Businees functions for life insurance contract and product management
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