Dependency Packages
LeafGasExchange.jl5🍃 coupled leaf gas-exchange model
MoM_MPI.jl5MPI based parallel for method of moments (MoM) and MLFMA (
AstroPlot.jl5Astrophysical plotting interfaces for Julia
MLJBalancing.jl5A package with exported learning networks that combine resampling methods from Imbalance.jl and classification models from MLJ
OpenGeoSysUncertaintyQuantification.jl5An uncertainty quantification toolbox for OpenGeoSys 6
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
SigmaRidgeRegression.jl5Optimally tuned ridge regression when features can be partitioned into groups.
StoppingInterface.jl5Interface between Stopping.jl and other packages
MoM_AllinOne.jl5A Julia package for integration of packages of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
EBayes.jl4Empirical Bayes shrinkage in Julia
RandomLinearAlgebraSolvers.jl4Randomized Methods for Linear Algebra
MetapopulationDynamics.jl4Population dynamics across space, in Julia.
ExtendableFEM.jl4High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids and ExtendableFEMBase
Synthesizer.jl4Switched-On Bayes.
SymbolicInference.jl4Probabilistic inference using the symbolic method.
MLJTestIntegration.jl4Utilities to test implementations of the MLJ model interface and provide integration tests for the MLJ ecosystem
ModelMiner.jl4One package to train them all
AutomationLabsIdentification.jl4Dynamical systems identification
DataPipeline.jl4Julia implementation of the FAIR Data Pipeline API
SeisPDF.jl4Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions Calculation in Julia.
CanopyOptics.jl3Tools for the computation of canopy optical parameters
BSDESPOT.jl3An implementation of the BSDESPOT (Better Selection DESPOT) online POMDP Solver. BSDESPOT is a variation of DESPOT. It provides action branch selection based on upper and lower bounds, and multi-observation branches selection.
InvariantCausalPrediction.jl3Invariant Causal Prediction in pure Julia
GenerativeTopographicMapping.jl3A Julia package for Generative Topographic Mapping
SimpleCrop.jl3🌱 example of DSSAT-like crop model written in Cropbox
ExtendableFEMBase.jl3Basic structures for finite elements based on ExtendableGrids infrastructure
DiscretePOMP.jl3Bayesian inference for Discrete state-space Partially Observed Markov Processes in Julia. See the docs:
OutlierDetectionTest.jl2Test Toolkit for Outlier Detection Algorithms
OutlierDetectionData.jl2Easy way to use public outlier detection datasets with Julia
TaijaPlotting.jl2A package for plotting custom symbols from Taija packages.
Kinbiont.jl2Ecosystem of numerical methods for microbial kinetics data analysis, from preprocessing to result interpretation.
MoM_Visualizing.jl2A Julia package for visualizing of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
BitcoinRPC.jl2Julia interface to Bitcoin's JSON-RPC API
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