Dependency Packages
Homebrew.jl27OSX Binary dependency provider for Julia
ArbFloats.jl26Much faster than BigFloat at precisions up to 3,500 bits (1050 digits)
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
OceanRobots.jl22Analysis, processing, and simulation of data generated by scientific robots in the Ocean.
StipplePlotly.jl22Plotly integration for Stipple.jl
FTPClient.jl22Julia FTP client using LibCURL.jl
MLInterpret.jl22A Meta Package for Machine Learning Interpretation
PowerPlots.jl22Functions plot PowerModels networks
MeCab.jl21Julia binding of Japanese morphological analyzer MeCab
GenieFramework.jl21Meta package for Genie reactive apps
WinRPM.jl21RPM-md processing library
GenieAuthentication.jl20Authentication plugin for Genie framework
LevelDB.jl19Julia interface to Google's LevelDB key value database
BlsData.jl19Pull data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) directly into Julia
DrakeVisualizer.jl18Interface to the RobotLocomotion Drake Visualizer tool from Julia
TriangleMesh.jl18Generate and refine unstructured 2D triangular meshes from polygons with Julia
BioMedQuery.jl17Julia utilities for interacting with biomedical databases and biomedical application programming interfaces (APIs)
ASDF.jl16A Julia implementation of the Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF)
FLANN.jl16A Julia wrapper for Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors (FLANN)
GraphsMatching.jl16Matching algorithms for Graphs.jl
SignalAlignment.jl15Align signals to each other
ArgoData.jl15Argo data processing and analysis
Hygese.jl15A Julia wrapper for the Hybrid Genetic Search algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems (HGS-CVRP)
Notifier.jl14Notification tools for Julialang
PowerModelsAnalytics.jl14Tools for the analysis and visualization of PowerModels data and results
Taxsim.jl14Connecting Julia to the Tax Calculator of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
LightGraphsMatching.jl13Matching algorithms for LightGraphs.jl
GenieAutoReload.jl13AutoReload plugin for the Genie web framework
RigidBodyTreeInspector.jl13Simple visualization for the RigidBodyDynamics.jl library
BlossomV.jl13Julia interface for the Blossom V perfect matching algorithm
ProToPortal.jl13ProToPortal: The Portal to the Magic of PromptingTools and Julia-first LLM Coding
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
CLBlast.jl13Julia wrapper of CLBlast, a "tuned OpenCL BLAS library".
CMake.jl13Julia package to provide access to CMake
ClimatePlots.jl12Plotting library for ClimateTools
NeuroAnalysis.jl12Neural Signal Analysis
DFControl.jl11DFT control
CMakeWrapper.jl11Build CMake packages from Julia
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