Dependency Packages
LogExpFunctions.jl74Julia package for various special functions based on `log` and `exp`.
Missings.jl70Missing value support for Julia
JSExpr.jl61Translate Julia to JavaScript
SortingAlgorithms.jl53Extra sorting algorithms extending Julia's sorting API
NaNMath.jl53Julia math built-ins which return NaN and accumulator functions which ignore NaN
CodecZlib.jl50Zlib codecs for TranscodingStreams.jl.
SHA.jl46A performant, 100% native-julia SHA1, SHA2, and SHA3 implementation
Contour.jl44Calculating contour curves for 2D scalar fields in Julia
MbedTLS.jl41Wrapper around mbedtls
ColorVectorSpace.jl35Treat colors as if they are n-vectors for the purposes of arithmetic
DataAPI.jl33A data-focused namespace for packages to share functions
InverseFunctions.jl29Interface for function inversion in Julia
URIs.jl26URI parsing in Julia
Distributed.jl26Create and control multiple Julia processes remotely for distributed computing. Ships as a Julia stdlib.
TensorCore.jl24Lightweight package for sharing tensor-algebra definitions
PlotlyBase.jl23Generate plotly.js JSON in Julia -- nothing less, nothing more.
DistributedSparseGrids.jl19An hierarchical adaptive sparse-grid implementation in the julia language
MarchingCubes.jl19Efficient Implementation of Marching Cubes' Cases with Topological Guarantees
DelimitedFiles.jl18A package for reading and writing files with delimited values (Originally a Julia stdlib)
StatsAPI.jl17A statistics-focused namespace for packages to share functions
IrrationalConstants.jl16Defines additional irrationals
BitFlags.jl16BitFlag.jl provides an Enum-like type for bit flag option values.
StaticArraysCore.jl16Interface package for StaticArrays.jl
ConcurrentUtilities.jl15Utilities for doing multithreaded or distributed work in Julia
TableTraits.jl13Traits for julia tables
Pidfile.jl12Utility for creating advisory pidfiles (lock files)
ChangesOfVariables.jl11Interface for transformation functions in Julia
IteratorInterfaceExtensions.jl11Traits for julia iterators
Widgets.jl5Low dependency package to create custom widgets
ExceptionUnwrapping.jl5"I started by producing, and the rapping came second to that, because I wanted to fill out the beat." - Awkwafina
SimpleBufferStream.jl4What Base.BufferStream should be
AltInplaceOpsInterface.jl0This is a package for interfacing some inplace operations due to old julia code
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