Dependency Packages
ForwardDiff.jl888Forward Mode Automatic Differentiation for Julia
StaticArrays.jl761Statically sized arrays for Julia
DataStructures.jl690Julia implementation of Data structures
TimerOutputs.jl651Formatted output of timed sections in Julia
Graphs.jl457An optimized graphs package for the Julia programming language
Enzyme.jl438Julia bindings for the Enzyme automatic differentiator
Distances.jl425A Julia package for evaluating distances (metrics) between vectors.
Parameters.jl419Types with default field values, keyword constructors and (un-)pack macros
SpecialFunctions.jl350Special mathematical functions in Julia
NLsolve.jl324Julia solvers for systems of nonlinear equations and mixed complementarity problems
MacroTools.jl310MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions.
ChainRulesCore.jl253AD-backend agnostic system defining custom forward and reverse mode rules. This is the light weight core to allow you to define rules for your functions in your packages, without depending on any particular AD system.
FiniteDiff.jl247Fast non-allocating calculations of gradients, Jacobians, and Hessians with sparsity support
SparseDiffTools.jl238Fast jacobian computation through sparsity exploitation and matrix coloring
PrecompileTools.jl204Reduce time-to-first-execution of Julia code
Requires.jl195Lazy code loading for Julia
BlockArrays.jl194BlockArrays for Julia
FillArrays.jl181Julia package for lazily representing matrices filled with a single entry
Accessors.jl175Update immutable data
Setfield.jl165Update deeply nested immutable structs.
Reexport.jl162Julia macro for re-exporting one module from another
GPUCompiler.jl156Reusable compiler infrastructure for Julia GPU backends.
SimpleTraits.jl155Simple Traits for Julia
Compat.jl145Compatibility across Julia versions
ArrayInterface.jl133Designs for new Base array interface primitives, used widely through scientific machine learning (SciML) and other organizations
LLVM.jl130Julia wrapper for the LLVM C API
Preferences.jl129Project Preferences Package
BandedMatrices.jl128A Julia package for representing banded matrices
LineSearches.jl115Line search methods for optimization and root-finding
DocStringExtensions.jl114Extensions for Julia's docsystem.
PDMats.jl104Uniform Interface for positive definite matrices of various structures
ArnoldiMethod.jl96The Arnoldi Method with Krylov-Schur restart, natively in Julia.
OrderedCollections.jl92Julia implementation of associative containers that preserve insertion order
SparseArrays.jl88SparseArrays.jl is a Julia stdlib
Tricks.jl85Cunning tricks though the julia compiler internals
UnPack.jl84`@pack!` and `@unpack` macros
ExprTools.jl78Light-weight expression manipulation tools
DiffRules.jl76A simple shared suite of common derivative definitions
LogExpFunctions.jl74Julia package for various special functions based on `log` and `exp`.
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