All Packages
DelayedBuffer.jl0Delayed buffer view for Julia 1D arrays.
LCJC.jl0Loosely Coupled Julia Cluster
FortranIO.jl0Input/Output of fortran unformatted binary files.
HelpTestbed.jl0Exploring options for help in Julia
DictViews.jl0KeysView and ValuesView types for dynamic low-overhead views into the entries of dictionaries
ViewDBI.jl0View-based DBI for Julia
LineExtraction.jl0Line extraction from an image (using Markovian model and energy minimization)
Eglib.jl0Clang.jl wrapping example, C code from @kindlmann
Criterion.jl0Julia port of Haskell's Criterion and Clojure's Criterium benchmarking libraries
Jake.jl0Rake for Julia
SF.jl0Slides for the SF Julia meetup
MPFR.jl0A Julia package for the GNU MPFR library.
RingBuffer.jl0Julia ring buffer implementation for buffered io
Jig.jl0Testing framework for Julia
Hydna.jl0Julia bindings for Hydna
Xray.jl0Julia interface for nist x-ray database
KaggleDigitRecognizer.jl0Julia code for Kaggle's Digit Recognizer competition
Series.jl0Series data structure in Julia
TradingSystem.jl1Quantitative trading framework in Julia
TypeGraph.jl0Visualize the Julia type system
UCDavis.jl0Talk given at UC Davis on 2/27/2014
Accelereval.jl1A Julia framework for accelerated re-compiled evaluation.
CGRASP.jl0Continuous Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (CGRASP) in Julia
Tyndall.jl0Radiative transfer in Julia
Jultran.jl0Julia interface for the HITRAN database of spectral lines, based on Ray Pierrehumbert's PyTran
MetaTools.jl0Handy MetaProgramming whatnots for Julia
ReverseRegexes.jl0Adds functionality to reverse-search strings with regexes
WDSP.jl0Digital signal processing used in turbulence implemented in Julia
Ccv.jl0Julia bindings for libccv's SIFT image feature detection
InterPol.jl0Interpolating polynomial for Julia
FEM.jl0Simple finite elements in Julia
Slicot.jl1Julia wrapper for SLICOT Routines
Algorithms.jl0Algorithms in Julia
LineEdit.jl0Julia readline-like library
OpenStack.jl0Access the OpenStack API using Julia