All Packages
AAindex.jl2A package to read AAindex database files.
AAM.jl8Active Appearance Models
Abaco.jl3The abacus of a stream
AbaqusReader.jl37AbaqusReader.jl is a parse for ABAQUS FEM models. It's capable of parsing the geometry accurately, including surface sets, node sets, and other relevant geometrical data used in FEM calculations. Other option is to parse whole model, including boundary conditions, material data and load steps.
ABBAj.jl1A Julia version of ABBA with parallel k-means implementation
AbbreviatedTypes.jl2Compact type aliases for common Julia types
ABCDBeamTrace.jl9ABCD formalism for linear optics in Julia: ray transfer matrices and Gaussian beam propagation
ABCdeZ.jl10Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) with differential evolution (de) moves and model evidence (Z) estimates.
ABCDHypergraphGenerator.jl6Artificial Benchmark for Hypergraphs Community Detection (ABCDH)
ABCDMatrixOptics.jl13Implementation fo ray transfer matrix analysis for optical beams
ABCredit.jl8A fast and simple to use Julia implementation of the macroeconomic model described in [Assenza, Delli Gatti, Grazzini (2015)]
AbidesMarkets.jl0Julia wrapper for ABIDES-Markets
AbInitioSoftwareBase.jl2Provides a common API that shared by some ab initio software
ABM.jl5A Multi Agent Based Simulation engine in Julia language
AbnormalReturns.jl9Calculate regressions and abnormal returns for large return datasets quickly
About.jl119Mirror of
AbstractAlgebra.jl161Generic abstract algebra functionality in pure Julia (no C dependencies)
AbstractControlProcesses.jl0Abstract interface for lab processes
AbstractCosmologicalEmulators.jl0Repository containing the abstract interface to the emulators used in the CosmologicalEmulators organization
AbstractDifferentiation.jl135An abstract interface for automatic differentiation.
AbstractFBCModels.jl0General interface for flux-based constrained metabolic models
AbstractFFTs.jl125A Julia framework for implementing FFTs
AbstractGPs.jl217Abstract types and methods for Gaussian Processes.
AbstractGPsMakie.jl2Plots of Gaussian processes with AbstractGPs and Makie
AbstractImageReconstruction.jl2Abstract interface for image reconstruction algorithms and their parameters
AbstractIndices.jl1A generic interface to indices in Julia with additional concrete types specified.
AbstractInstances.jl0A package for making concrete instances of abstract types
AbstractItemResponseModels.jl4An API for item response modelling in Julia
AbstractIterativeSolvers.jl1Solvers for linear equations in Banach spaces
AbstractLattices.jl2Abstract lattice functions meet and join, with symbols \wedge and \vee
AbstractLogic.jl15An Abstract Reasoning Logic Interface
AbstractMCMC.jl79Abstract types and interfaces for Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
AbstractNeuralNetworks.jl5Abstract data structures for the construction of neural networks.
AbstractNumbers.jl23Define your own number types in Julia super easily!
AbstractOperators.jl30Abstract operators for large scale optimization in Julia
AbstractPDEInterfaces.jl14Ecosystem for writing partial differential equation solvers
AbstractPermutations.jl0Defining interface for permutations in julia
AbstractPlotting.jl85An abstract interface for plotting libraries, part of the Makie ecosystem.