File IO Packages
AndorSIF.jl4Read Andor SIF file in Julia
ArbFloats.jl26Much faster than BigFloat at precisions up to 3,500 bits (1050 digits)
Arrow.jl56DEPRECATED in favor of [JuliaData/Arrow.jl](
ASCIIByte.jl1Julia's package for deal with Characters of 8 bits.
AutoTypeParameters.jl0A Julia library to reversibly encode "any" value so that it can be used as a type parameter.
Avro.jl16Pure Julia implementation for reading/writing data in the Avro format
BDF.jl8Module to read Biosemi BDF files with the Julia programming language
BEncode.jl1A Julia library for bencode
BGZF.jl1Julia package to read/write BGZF compressed files
BigRationals.jl2Julia wrapper around GMP's rational type
BufferedStreams.jl41Fast composable IO streams
CBOR.jl19A Concise Binary Object Representation (RFC 7049) serialization library in Julia
ChainedVectors.jl1Few utility types over Julia Vector type
ClipData.jl81Move data to and from the clipboard in Julia
Codecs.jl11Common data encoding algorithms
COFF.jl4A julia implementation of the PE/COFF file format
ConfParser.jl43Julia package for parsing configuration files
CSV.jl466Utility library for working with CSV and other delimited files in the Julia programming language
CSVFiles.jl50FileIO.jl integration for CSV files
CustomUnitRanges.jl8Package-specific AbstractUnitRange types for julia
DanaTypes.jl0Dana-Laboratory BuiltIns
DataRead.jl78Read files from Stata, SAS, and SPSS
DICOM.jl56Julia package for reading and writing DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) files
DictViews.jl0KeysView and ValuesView types for dynamic low-overhead views into the entries of dictionaries
DictWrappers.jl0Wrap any Julia composite type in an Associative interface
DotPlusInheritance.jl0Expression parser that simulates type inheritance
DWARF.jl3Julia Package for parsing the DWARF file format
ELF.jl3Julia Package for working with ELF files
EodDataTestXml.jl0Test files for EodData.jl
ExcelFiles.jl42FileIO.jl integration for Excel files
ExcelReaders.jl58ExcelReaders is a package that provides functionality to read Excel files.
Expr2LaTeX.jl31Take a julia `Expr` and render it as LaTeX. Deprecated in favour of
ExtractMacro.jl15Provides a convenience Julia macro to extract fields from composite types
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