26 Packages since 2018
User Packages
Express.jl25Express: a high-level, extensible workflow framework for accelerating ab initio calculations for the materials science community
QuantumESPRESSOBase.jl14Provides basic data structures and helpful functions for manipulating structures, generating input files, pre-running error checks, etc.
EquationsOfStateOfSolids.jl13A Julia package for fitting the equation of state of solids, and more
EasyJobs.jl6Create any job from Julia functions
SimpleWorkflows.jl6A simple workflow engine powered by Julia
MillerIndices.jl4A notation system in crystallography for lattice planes in crystal (Bravais) lattices
CrystallographyBase.jl4This package contains some basic functionalities of Crystallography.jl
Crystallography.jl3Provides some crystallography operations
QuantumESPRESSOCommands.jl3A Julia wrapper of Quantum ESPRESSO commands with configurations
LinearElasticity.jl2Calculate linear elasticity for some crystals
AbInitioSoftwareBase.jl2Provides a common API that shared by some ab initio software
CrystallographyCore.jl1This package contains some core functionalities of Crystallography.jl
QuantumESPRESSOFormatter.jl1Format Quantum ESPRESSO input files
EquationsOfState.jl1A Julia package for fitting the equations of state
Pseudopotentials.jl1A Julia package that provides operations of a database with pseudopotential datasets
PyQHA.jl1A Julia-Python interface of https://github.com/MineralsCloud/qha
QuantumESPRESSO.jl1This package could handle the interaction with Quantum ESPRESSO software
EquationOfStateRecipes.jl1Plotting recipes for equations of state
QuantumESPRESSOParser.jl1Parses the input/output files of Quantum ESPRESSO to extract data
QuantumESPRESSOExpress.jl0A plugin of Express.jl for handling the ab initio software Quantum ESPRESSO
ExpressCommands.jl0The command-line interface of Express.jl
Geotherm.jl0A Julia package that can calculate the isentropic geotherm from thermodynamic properties
LinearElasticityBase.jl0Implements the basic functionalities of LinearElasticity.jl
CrystallographyRecipes.jl0Plotting crystal structures and relevant data obtained from CrystallographyBase.jl and Crystallography.jl
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