24 Packages since 2017
User Packages
Sparspak.jl37Direct solution of large sparse systems of linear algebraic equations in pure Julia
FinEtoolsFlexStructures.jl13Finite Element tools in Julia: Analysis of flexible structures, beams and shells
FinEtools.jl147Finite Element tools in Julia
MeshSteward.jl2Manages finite element meshes powered by MeshCore.jl
ShellStructureTopo.jl1Detect topological entities on a triangular surface mesh.
MeshCore.jl14Curation and manipulation of general unstructured meshes for the Finite Element Methods (FEM).
Elfel.jl14Extensible library for finite element programming
FinEtoolsVoxelMesher.jl11Finite Element tools in Julia: Meshing of medical images
FinEtoolsMultithreading.jl2Parallel finite element library
FinEtoolsDeforLinear.jl9Finite Element tools in Julia: Linear stress analysis application
FinEtoolsMeshing.jl2Finite Element tools in Julia: Examples of meshing
FinEtoolsAcoustics.jl10Finite Element tools in Julia: Acoustics application
FinEtoolsHeatDiff.jl7Finite Element tools in Julia: Heat diffusion application
FinEtoolsTetsFromTris.jl1Fill volume bounded by FinEtools triangle mesh with tetrahedra.
FinEtoolsVibInFluids.jl2Finite Element tools in Julia: Vibration of elastic solids partially or fully submerged in inviscid fluid
CoNCMOR.jl0Library for constructing transformation matrices for Coherent Node Cluster model-order reduction for use with FinEtools.jl
VibrationGEPHelpers.jl2Generalized Eigenvalue Problem helper functions
SymRCM.jl25Reverse Cuthill-McKee node-renumbering algorithm.
SubSIt.jl3Subspace iteration algorithm for the generalized eigenvalue problem of free vibration
DataDrop.jl5Numbers and matrices and strings stored to disk and retrieved again.
REPLHistory.jl8Gain access to the Julia REPL history.
FinEtoolsDeforNonlinear.jl7Finite Element tools in Julia: Nonlinear deformation application
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