14 Packages since 2018
User Packages
TracedSample.jl0Make Julia code probabilistic-programming-ready by allowing calls to `sample` to be annotated with traced addresses.
TracedRandom.jl3Make Julia code probabilistic-programming-ready by allowing calls to `rand` to be annotated with traced addresses.
GenTraceKernelDSL.jl5A DSL for defining stochastic maps between traces of Gen generative functions
SPPL.jl6A small DSL for programming sppl across PythonCall.jl
InversePlanning.jl7Agent modeling and inverse planning, using PDDL and Gen.
ADEV.jl9Experimental port of ADEV to Julia
CLIPS.jl11Cooperative Language-Guided Inverse Plan Search (CLIPS).
GenGPT3.jl18GPT-3 as a generative function in Gen.
GenSMCP3.jl19Automated SMC with Probabilistic Program Proposals, for the Gen PPL.
GenParticleFilters.jl22Building blocks for simple and advanced particle filtering in Gen.
Gen.jl1791A general-purpose probabilistic programming system with programmable inference
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