14 Packages since 2015
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BackedUpImmutable.jl1A Julia Dict object that has fixed keys, and alterable but restorable values.
BasedDumps.jl0Binary memory or file dumpers in base 2 through 16 formats
CatmullClark.jl1CatmullClark subdivision Julia package
COBSReduced.jl2COBS packet encoding
DailyMed.jl2Interface to the REST functions of the National Library of Medicine's DailyMed database, in Julia
DoseCalculators.jl1Gtk medication dosage calculators for Julia
DrugInteractions.jl1Gtk Julia app for finding drug interactions from the RxNav database.
EDFPlus.jl7Reading, writing, and wrangling EEG signal files of BDF and EDF format in Julia
GoodsteinSequences.jl0Julia module for Goodstein sequences, integer sequences introduced in 1944 by Rueben Louis Goodstein
RxNav.jl6Julia interface to the National Library of Medicine's online pharmaceutical RxNav API
Simpsons.jl1Statistics, Julia package: check data for a Simpson's statistical paradox.
SuffixTrees.jl2Julia implementation of the Ukkonen suffix tree algorithm
ThreadSafeDicts.jl25Thread safe Julia Dict
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